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Schoology Release Notes: March 2017

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Permission to Control Account Linking (Enterprise only)

  • We added a new permission for System Admins to enable/disable the ability for users to link accounts.
  • This enhances the flexibility that System Admins have to manage their users. For example, with this new permission disabled, students are unable to link accounts to complete work for each other.

Continue to Support Pre-loaded Standards from Academic Benchmarks

  • We updated our integration with Academic Benchmarks, so that we can continue to support our pre-loaded set of Learning Objectives (such as Common Core, State Standards, etc).

Test/Quiz Accessibility Improvements

  • It's important that all teachers, students, and parents can use our platform, and we are continuously improving accessibility across all feature areas. While we are building a new assessment engine, we wanted to make the experience of using our existing Test/Quiz tool even better in the meantime.

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