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Schoology Release Notes: March 2018

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New Features & Updates

Preview for Managed Assessments and Course Assessments

  • We added the ability for instructors and assessment authors to preview a managed assessment or course assessment to easily inspect the authored content for errors and experience the assessment as a student would prior to distribution.
  • Learn more about this feature in the following articles:

New Avatar Selection for User Profiles

  • We released new options for user profile avatars. If a user has the permission to “edit profile picture” enabled, when they edit their profile photo, they will now have the option to select from the new set of 8 default user avatars/icons.

  • No action needed to use these new options. If you have already selected one of the current people-based icons as your user avatar, your selection will not be replaced until you edit your profile photo.
  • If you have not uploaded or selected a profile picture, the current default gray image will be replaced with the image below:

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