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Schoology Release Notes: May 2018

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New Features and Updates

Infinite Campus SIS Integration

We built a OneRoster integration with Infinite Campus that will give our shared users the ability to provision their schools, terms, users, courses and enrollments in to Schoology as well as sync assignment grades from Schoology back to their Infinite Campus gradebook.

Learn more:

    New Course and Group Profile Photo Options

    We added the option to select from a set of pre-populated images to use as your Course or Group profile photo. Course Admins will be able to choose from a selection of 15 Course images, and Group Admins will have the option to choose from a selection of 7 Group images.

    Common Cartridge Converter

    • Schoology has built a Common Cartridge Converter that can convert a Common Cartridge v1.1 package into a Common Cartridge v1.2 package. This converter can be used to seamlessly migrate content built in other systems that use v1.1 into your Schoology Resources.
    • Learn more in this Help Center article.

    Decaying Average Mastery Calculation (Enterprise only)

    • The Decaying Average formula is a calculation method that places more weight on recently scored materials, thus displaying an objective score that is most indicative of a student's current mastery level.
    • We added Decaying Average as a new mastery score calculation method available under Mastery Settings. This option includes the ability to enter your own decay rate, with a pre-populated default decay rate of 75%.
    • Learn more about the Decaying Average Mastery Calculation here.

      • Beginning July 1, 2018, Decaying Average will be the default calculation method for student mastery reporting in newly-created courses.
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