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Schoology Release Notes: May 2019

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New Features and Updates

Individually Assign Folders

  • In response to our #1 Feature Request from the Schoology Community, we’ve built a new way to differentiate instruction by assigning folders filled with content to students.
  • Teachers can now assign folders to specific students and grading groups so that only the assignees can view the folder and its contents. Any materials added to the folder are automatically updated to be available to the assigned student(s).
  • Learn more: Individually Assign Folders

Grade by Question for Assessments

  • Instructors can now grade by question when scoring Course Assessments (Enterprise) and Managed Assessments (AMP).
  • The Grade by Question workflow allows instructors to view all student responses to a single question in one place and view the average score on each question across the course.
  • Learn more: Grade by Question for Assessments

Partial Credit for Multiple Choice Questions

  • You can now offer partial credit for multiple choice questions for Course Assessments (Enterprise only) and Managed Assessments (AMP)
  • This makes it even easier to accurately gauge student knowledge!
  • Learn more: Assessments: Multiple Choice Question Type

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