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System Administrators: Enabling the Course Objectives Permission

This feature is currently in limited availability and only available when using Classic Mastery. It is not available with District Mastery. Contact your Schoology representative if you are a System Administrator interested in enabling this feature for your organization.

Support for Learning Objectives in a Schoology course is an important building block for personalized learning that is focused on achievement, not just test scores. The Schoology Course Objectives feature provides educators with a powerful tool to check if existing courses adhere to objectives and to ensure that new courses are developed with adherence to objectives. This functionality enables administrators and educators to easily map content materials to school, district, or state standards.

System Administrators can follow these instructions to enable educators in their school or organization to align Learning Objectives to their Schoology courses and sections.

Enable Course Objectives Permission for Roles

Your Schoology representative must first enable this feature for your organization. After it's enabled, System Admins can enable or disable the permission for one or more roles from their User Management section.

To manage this permission:

  1. Click Tools at the top of any page.
  2. Select User Management from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Permissions in the left menu to open the User Permissions page.
  4. Scroll down to the Learning Objectives permissions in the General section.
  5. Click the checkbox for the Add/edit learning standards on a section in the column for the role or roles for which you want to enable the permission.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save Permissions to apply your changes.
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