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Taking A Schoology Test Using the Respondus LockDown Browser

Overview of the Student Experience

To take a Schoology test using the Respondus LockDown Browser, log into Schoology like normal and open the test/quiz or assessment from your Schoology course Materials page. Once you open the test in Schoology, you're prompted to launch the Respondus LockDown browser in order to take and submit the test.

LockDown Browser is similar to a standard web browser, but with several features disabled or removed - such as browser menus and the URL field. You can only use the back, forward, stop, and refresh buttons. The content and design of the test/quiz or assessment will look very similar to the way in looks in Schoology - only the tools and capabilities available in standard browsers are significantly limited.

Beginning the Test

Once your instructor has required the Respondus LockDown browser, you must download the browser to your device before you can begin the test. Tests that require the LockDown browser include a message that LockDown Browser is required with instuctions to download it to your device. When you click Start New Attempt or resume an existing attempt, the test will open in a new window.

When you open an available test/quiz that requires the Respondus LockDown browser, the instructions page of the test looks like this:

When you open an assessment that requires the LockDown Browser, a message that reads, “This assessment requires LockDown Browser. Once you start or resume and attempt, it will open in a new window." This page will also include a banner with instructions to install LockDown Browser.

Once you have downloaded and installed the LockDown Browser, you can click Start New Attempt. This launches the test in a new window using the LockDown Browser.

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