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Update Parents' School Building Association (Enterprise)

Parents in Schoology have their own personal accounts that are associated with their child(ren)'s account. Parent account information must be updated in addition to the students' information when students move schools or leave a district. This is to accommodate parents with children at multiple schools or districts, as well as instructors who use Schoology as both a teacher and a parent.

For example, a parent may have a child enrolled in a school district that uses Schoology Enterprise. If the student moves from the middle school to the high school, the parent's account will not automatically be updated to the same building as the student. For Enterprise users, System Administrators can update the parents' school building associations when this occurs.


The process to update parent accounts will vary by Enterprise organization since this depends on how you provision parent accounts.

  • If you include parents in your SIS Integration, you must make any changes to user information in the SIS.
  • If you use Auto-Import to update user information, you must make changes to the import file on your SFTP server.
  • If parents at your organization are not part of an Auto-Import process or synced from your SIS, their school building will need to be updated directly in Schoology.

Export Existing Parent Accounts

Configure and download a Users export to a CSV file from School Management, then click Export. Include the following fields:

  • Schoology User ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Username
  • Email Address
  • Role (This will allow you to filter by Parent)
  • School Title
  • Additional Schools (for parents with children at multiple schools)

Depending on how you manage parent information, you may wish to export a list of current parent associations from the Parents/Advisors tab in the Manage Users area. This will show the building ID for student-parent pairings. This file will determine which parent building associations do not match the student's building association.

Update the CSV File

Update your CSV file to represent the desired school associations:

  • The School column should include the value for the main school with which the parent should be associated.
  • For parents with children at multiple schools, list any secondary buildings in the Additional Schools field. Multiple buildings can be entered into one cell, separated by a pipe symbol.

    To improve import process times, we recommend that you delete rows for users who do not need to be updated from the CSV file.

Import the CSV File to Update Schools

Upload the updated CSV file to the Users tab of the Import area to update the parent accounts.

  1. To import parent accounts only, set the Role field to Parent.
  2. Select Use Import File to map the School field according to the values in your CSV file.
  3. Choose Update existing records using Schoology User ID.
  4. Continue to match Use the Preview/Confirm view to check against errors.
  5. Run the import.
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