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Using the Delete Tab: Removing Courses and Sections

From the Delete tab on the Import page, you can automatically:

  • Mark a set of users as Inactive.
  • Move a set of courses or sections into your organization's Deleted Courses area.

Delete courses and sections

Removing courses and sections using the Delete tab moves them to a Deleted Courses area. They remain in your organization’s account, and you can restore them anytime.

Deleted Courses should not be confused with Archived Courses, which happens when an active (non-deleted) course is associated with a grading period that has passed.

Export files

Before importing a CSV file to delete courses or sections, you must first download the file from the Export area.

When selecting the fields to include in the export file, you must include either Course NID or Section NID. These identifiers are required to delete courses and sections:

Type of content to delete

Field name


Course NID


Section NID

  • As sections are a subset of courses, you will need separate files to delete them:
    • Export a file of all courses you would like to delete.
    • Export a file of all sections you would like to delete.
  • Be sure to include a field that you can use to identify what you want removed—for example, Course Name and Section Name for courses and sections, respectively.

    Deleting a course also deletes all sections of that course.

Edit files

Prepare the export files for import. Only list courses or sections you would like to delete. If a course or section is deleted by mistake, you can restore it to the system.

  • Courses: Delete the courses in the exported spreadsheet that you do not want to archive. Deleting courses also deletes all sections of those courses.

  • Sections: Delete the sections in the exported spreadsheet that you do not want to archive.

Import course and section files

  1. Click the Attach File button, and then browse to and select the spreadsheet to import.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Match what is displayed under each Schoology Field listed below:
    • Course NID (when deleting courses)
    • Section NID (when deleting sections)
    • The Preview columns display the values from the first three rows in the respective column from the attached spreadsheet.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Confirm the correct set of courses or sections are displayed in the Deleted area and then click Run.

For districts using section linking, deleting a parent section will also delete the associated child sections. Child sections cannot be deleted independently.

View and restore deleted courses

  1. Click Courses
  2. Select My Courses.
  3. Click Deleted Courses to access the list of courses. Check the box next to a course to select it.
  4. Click Restore to move the course back to an active state.
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