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WVEIS Attendance Passback Instructions

Schoology Data Exchange (Attendance)

WVEIS File Preparation

The Data Exchange Attendance Passback service supports the passback of attendance into WVEIS.

WVEIS creates a nightly course and enrollment file that is imported into Schoology. These files must contain the fields below to facilitate attendance passback:

  • Period: This field is a non-standard field in the Course file that will be uploaded into the Location field in Schoology to facilitate attendance passback.

  • These can be found in the import files used to create the sections, or they can be found in each section in Schoology by navigating to the section > Course Options > Edit Info > Details > Location.

  • Course Code: This field is standard in the Course file with this format: [School ID]_[course ID].
    • Each Course Code should consist of 2 numbers separated by an underscore.
    • The first number of the Course Code is the building and the second is the code that is passed back to WVEIS with attendance and grade data.
  • Section School Code: This field is a standard field in the Course file and the Enrollment file with this format: [School]_[Course]_[Section]_[Year].
    • Each Section School Code should consist of the school name, course name, section name, and the school year, each separated by an underscore. The Section School Code is case-sensitive.

      If the Section School Codes and Course Codes do not have an underscore or have a dash or period instead of an underscore, no course or section information will be passed to WVEIS along with the associated attendance and grade data.

WVEIS Attendance Reporting Data Load

  1. Click SGY Data Exchange.
  2. The WVEIS Attendance Reporting Data Load DX workflow is designed to supply attendance data for the WVEIS Attendance Reporting app select WVEIS Attendance Reporting Data Load:

  3. This process caches Schoology data into a warehouse for the WVEIS Attendance Reporting App. You can set this data load to be scheduled, or run a manual push.

WVEIS Attendance Passback

  1. Click SGY Data Exchange.
  2. Select WVEIS Attendance Passback.

Enable Scheduling

  • A System Administrator can set the attendance process to automate every 10 minutes/30 minutes/or every hour.
  • A manual trigger can also be pushed at any point by clicking the dots to the right of the screen.

SFTP Configuration

The Data Exchange Passback service leverages your district’s SFTP server to send attendance grade data in a CSV file. A System Administrator must enter the credentials for the SFTP site here:

  • The Remote Dir. should be set to the path to the folder that contains all the folders needed for attendance passback.
  • Within the remote directory, the in-progress and completed folders should appear.

The following is screenshot of a server's folder structure where those folders appear correctly in the directory to-wveis (the remote directory should be set to /to-wveis):

  • If an error appears connecting to or finding a folder in the SFTP in the DX workflow, make sure that:
    • The remote directory exists in the FTP server.
    • Folders labeled in progress and completed appear in the remote directory.

Passback Periods

A system administrator can specify which courses are reporting their attendance to WVEIS based on their school and location in Schoology. (Cross-reference this with the “period” field in the course file.”) Enter a pipe-delimited list of periods that will be passed back. Leave blank to pass back all periods.

The values mapped here should correspond exactly to the values that appear as the location for each Schoology course (ie: remove leading zeros).

API Triggers

The WVEIS workflow makes use of API triggers in Schoology to collect data from each attendance change:

  1. Copy and paste the URL under API Triggers.
  2. Navigate to: School Management > Integration > API > Add Target > Target URL.
  3. Paste and save the URL as the attendance record target.
  4. Select include object.
  5. Click Save.

Email Notifications

The Data Exchange Passback service offers users the option to be notified if an error or failure occurs. You can enter one or more email addresses for individuals who should receive these notifications, separated by commas.

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