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Schoology Learning Release Notes: May 2023

Features for the Schoology May 2023 Release are expected on May 26, 2023.

New Features and Enhancements

Feature or Product Area


Infinite Campus OneRoster 1.1 OAuth2 Update

We are adding the ability for District Admins to update their Infinite Campus OneRoster 1.1 OAuth1 credentials to OAuth2. This provides continuity across Infinite Campus and Schoology so districts can continue to synch and provision with the integration.

PowerSchool SIS Role Types Now Display in the SIS App in Schoology

Role origin types of Security Group or User Access Role will now display as a label in the PowerSchool SIS app in Schoology. This will allow administrators to clearly distinguish how roles are sourced from SIS to inform how they will sync in Schoology.

District Mastery - Sort Order Within Parent is not honored for PS SIS Provisioned Standards

When standards are provisioned from PowerSchool SIS for use within Schoology, Schoology does not display the standards in the same order as set in the SIS.

In order for this change to take place, Standards need to be synced from PowerSchool SIS to ensure that the Sort Order Within Parent is properly mapped to the standards in District Mastery. Once a new sync has occurred, the sort order within all District Mastery locations will update:

  • Aligning Objectives to Materials

  • Mastery Gradebook

  • Student Mastery View

  • District Objectives Library View

Bug Fix - Some Scales Provisioned from PowerSchool SIS for Standards Passback Cause Errors

To prevent grade calculation issues, grade scales provisioned from PowerSchool SIS as part of the Standards Grades Passback will no longer be available for other uses in Schoology at this time. Materials and Courses that have these scales selected may continue to use them.

New Schoology Apps in the App Center

  • ResponDog is an audience response application that poses your quiz questions or seeks opinions from students in your class. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: App sends Name and Email/Username of the user who launches the app.

  • Skooli provides students with unlimited learning opportunities through live one-to-one online tutoring with professional teachers with instant, drop-in homework help for all students, keeping it equitable for everyone via 24/7 access whenever students may need it most--be it before or after school, or even during the school day. Students are able to access high-quality, professional teachers, for drop-in homework help and drop-off written assignment review. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: App sends Name and Email/Username of user who launches the app.

  • Brighten Learning is a suite of curricular programs for teaching and supporting students in the areas of social skills, mental health-wellbeing, career exploration and life readiness. Our four programs are: The Social Express, Cool School, SyncUP and Teen Career Path. We use high quality animated interactive lessons to engage students of all ages. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: App sends Name and Email/Username of user who launches the app.

  • Subject SSO Platform is an accredited learning platform designed to deliver quality education to schools everywhere. Subject's short form video content captures learners' attention by combining cinematic quality with world class curriculum. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: App sends Name and Email/Username of user who launches the app.

  • ChemVantage is an open education resource for general chemistry offering homework problem sets, quizzes, an OER textbook with SmartText, videos with embedded quizlets and more. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: App sends Name and Email/Username of user who launches the app.

  • WELNET Grade Sync Setup allows teachers to configure WELNET Rubrics scores to be automatically loaded into the Schoology Gradebook. WELNET enables educators to measure a student’s fitness, check for understanding of fitness and health concepts and track health-related habits and behaviors. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: App sends Name and Email/Username of user who launches the app.

  • GG4L Connect LTI Advantage is a SSO and data integration middleware platform that connects Schoology LMS to several third-party content providers including Coursera and Google QwikLabs. It is LTI-compliant and leverages LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 standards for integration with Schoology. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: App sends Name and Email/Username of user who launches the app.

  • RealTime-Lynx is a teaching, learning and behavioral support network that addresses real-time needs proactively. Find it at:
    Privacy Setting: As a ‘Standard App’, it uses Schoology’s custom protocol to pass user and context information during app launch. It also uses Schoology's API directly and so they can pull any data that is available via the API with the proper API authorization.

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