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Archive sites

Use archive sites to display data snapshots from previous school years. These sites are created after you use Performance Matters for at least one year and roll data over. Archive data cannot be changed or updated.

Access archive sites

Access archive sites from the Applications menu in the main menu.

  1. Click the Applications icon in the main menu.

  2. Select the archive year.

    For the 2019-2020 school year or later, access the archive year when you select your organization.

    An image displays a list of organizations with an archive year listed.

Access baseball card or scoreboard archives

You can access data beginning with 2013 or your district's first year using Performance Matters (whichever is the latest).

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Reports, then Baseball Card. Alternatively, choose Reports from the main navigation menu, then Scoreboard.
  2. Click Current Year, then select the archive year.
  3. To return to the current year, click the displayed archive year, then select Current Year.

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