Assessment completion report
The Assessment Completion Report allows test administrators to know when assessment results are final and ready for analysis across schools and districts.
Reports may not load properly if you use an iOS device. Reports are fully supported by PC devices.
Enable the report
From the main navigation menu, choose Admin, then Menu Security.
Click Reports.
Click Assessment Completion Report to display the Permissions dialog.
Click Add user or group, then choose the group, role, or user.
Click OK.
Select Access for each group, role, or user.
Click Save.
Display assessment completion report results
From the main navigation menu, choose Reports, then Assessment Completion Report.
Optionally, narrow the results using the Assessment, School, Teacher, and Class filters.
Click Apply Filters.
Student progress by status
The Student Progress by Status section provides an overview of each assignment status, including percentages and student totals. This report populates the student progress data during the nightly build rather than in real-time to help reduce the load.
Click the status tabs to filter the student list by the respective assessment status.
Click Display Student List to review individual student details.
Optionally, Export the filtered student list.
The Date Started or Date Submitted may display NA in the finished status if student answers were entered using online scoring instead of by taking the test directly.
When the student has moved to a finished status, the total engaged duration of the test and resume count are displayed.
The Engaged duration displays the total time the student spent on the test.
The Resume Count displays how often the student resumed the test. This does not include the first time the student started the test.
Rubric scoring per item
Rubric Scoring Per Item is only available if the chosen assignment includes rubric-scored items. The section provides a per-item overview of the percentage of students in each scoring status.
Click the scoring status tabs to filter the student list.
Click Display Student List to review individual student details specific to each rubric.
Optionally, click Export to export the filtered student list.