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Capture Observational Assessment Data

  1. Choose Tests from the main navigation menu, then choose Test Center.
  2. Select Online/Paper Based or Observational.
  3. Filter the test list as needed.
  4. Click the ellipsis in the Actions column of the test row, then choose Capture Data.
  5. Click Manage Columns to add or remove optional columns, as needed.
    1. Select columns or clear selections.
    2. Click Update Columns.
  6. Optionally, you can filter the student list. Click the student filter icon in the Student Name column.
    1. Enter filter criteria.
    2. Click Apply.
    3. Hover over the applied filters pill to review the active filters.
    4. Optionally, click the X in the filter pill to clear all applied filters.
  7. If you want to download a blank version of the Capture page, click Download. The download includes student names, student IDs, attributes, and measure columns; however, all rows are blank.
  8. If your device limits the display of student rows, click Focused View to display a page that includes additional student rows. Click Standard View to return to the default display.
  9. Optionally, click the ellipsis in a column, then select Show Not Scored Only to display students for whom no data has been captured or Show Scored Only to display students with captured measure data.
  10. For each student, enter data for each measure based on your observations. You can select data from a drop-down list, enter a numeric response, or provide an open entry response.
  11. A paperclip icon that displays in a measure column indicates you must review a related artifact when capturing data. Click the paperclip icon to display the artifact in a new tab.
  12. Click Save.

    • Data autosaves every 60 seconds as you capture data.
    • Your captured data will be available in the Baseball Card report the next day.
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