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Enrollment Admin

Enrollment Admin allows you to enroll students to a user with the Co-Teacher role, providing the user access to those students. In addition to granting co-teachers access to an entire class of students, you can use the Co-Teacher role for long-term substitutes, interventionists, and other users who only need access to select students.

  1. From the main navigation, choose Admin, then Enrollment Admin.
  2. Select a co-teacher.
  3. Click Create Class.
  4. Enter the Enrollment Class information.

    • The course title is displayed throughout the site to capture the user's enrollment to students. The naming convention for the course title could reflect the school name followed by the name of the course for which the user is a co-teacher (for example, Central High - Bio 2 Co-Teacher).
    • The Course Type aligned with this course determines the types of assessments the co-teacher with this enrollment can author and the tests they administer.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click Add Students.
  7. Click Add Student Filter and filter for the student population that needs to be manually enrolled.
  8. Click the Geographical tab.
  9. Click Teacher.
  10. Select the teacher with whom the user co-teaches.
  11. Click Class.
  12. Select the classes that contain the students to be enrolled with the user.
  13. Alternatively, if you want to enroll individual students with the user:

    1. Click Student and choose individual students to whom the user should have access.

    2. Click the Intervention tab.
    3. Choose from the filters and select the necessary students.
  14. Click Apply.
  15. Review the student list to ensure it reflects all students to whom the user has access.
  16. Click the column header to select and confirm access to all students or choose individual students.
  17. Click OK.

    The construction cone icon indicates that the enrollment is pending. The co-teacher can log in and access students, but the enrollment is not yet complete, so the co-teacher cannot create assessments.

    Following the nightly refresh, the construction cone icon is replaced by a checkmark to indicate the enrollment is complete and active throughout the site.

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