Generate bulk multiple-choice items
PowerBuddy for Assessment uses your custom prompts and criteria selections to generate multiple-choice items in bulk and then adds them to a selected item bank for future test creation.
Item settings
From the main navigation menu, choose Items, and then Generate AI Items.
Enter an Item title.
Optionally, select Add standards to item title.
Optionally, click Select standards to choose item standards.
Search for standards by code or description.
Click Add for the desired standard.
When finished, click Done.
Click Select item bank. Your permissions determine the scope of banks from which you can choose.
Select the Organization, and then choose the Item source.
Select an item bank.
Click Select.
If you want to use a passage resource, proceed to the steps to generate a passage. If you do not want to use a passage resource, proceed to the steps to generate items.
Use a passage resource for item generation
Optionally, click Use a passage to incorporate a passage resource into the generation of the items. There will be options to generate a passage, paste copied text into a passage, or use a passage saved to an item bank. If you do not want to use a passage, proceed to Step 6.
New passages save to the currently selected item bank by default. Click Change item bank if you want to save the passage to a different item bank.
Click Save and continue.
Click to select how you want to add a passage.
You can choose an alternative way to add a passage as needed. Click Change, and then select a different option to add a passage.
Click Generate to use PowerBuddy for Assessment.
Enter text in Describe your content needs. Include specific examples, vocabulary, names, or events. Provide as much context as possible.
Enter the preferred Text length.
Choose a Reading level.
Choose the preferred Language.
Click Generate.
Optionally, click Edit to make changes to the passage text.
Alternatively, click Delete to clear the generated passage, and then click Regenerate to generate new content.
Click Paste to paste copied text within the text editor.
Use the editor tools as needed.
Click Done editing when you are finished.
Click Search existing to browse passage resources currently saved in item banks.
Click Add existing passage.
Use the search to locate a specific passage or browse the Item Source List.
Click Preview to preview the passage.
Click Add to use the passage.
Click Save and continue.
Generate items
Enter a prompt or keywords in Describe your item needs. If you chose to use a passage, you can click Passage to refer to the content as needed.
Select the Reading level.
Choose the preferred Language.
Click Generate items.
Choose the generated item options you want to use to create new items.
Click Save and continue.
Optionally, click Edit to make changes to an item.
Click Accept for individual items, or choose items and click Accept selected.
Click Review complete.
An item is automatically locked if the following criteria are met:
An item is added to a test and that test is released to OLA.
An item is added to a test and scan sheets for that test are downloaded.
You must contact support if you need to change or update a locked item.