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Impersonate a user

Impersonating a user allows you to access a specific user's account as if you had signed in as them.

Impersonation access should be restricted to administrators who have access to all students across the organization, such as system or district administrators. This feature is not intended for school- or class-level management. Granting impersonation rights to school-based users would allow them to access information beyond their designated school.

Actions taken during impersonation are indistinguishable from those of the impersonated user.

  1. Choose Admin from the main navigation menu, then choose Impersonate User.

  2. Type the name, email address, or user ID in the search field that displays.

  3. Optionally, choose from All Groups to limit your choices to a specific group.

    • To search for parent users, click All Groups and select Parent Users.

    • If a user has not logged into Performance Matters and accepted the terms and agreements, they will not display as an available user to impersonate.

  4. To impersonate, click the user's name.

Your impersonation status and the user you are impersonating are displayed under your name. When you finish impersonating a user, click your initials, then choose Cancel Impersonation.

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