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Media Use

For faster performance during online assessments and to leverage the multimedia delivery systems of service providers like YouTube, Vimeo, and others, embed links to media content rather than uploading media files to Performance Matters.

Media File Types and Sizes

Media embedded in Performance Matters can include audio, video, or rich content (for example, slide shows). File types and sizes are limited only by their compatibility with the devices students use for online assessments.

Other Media Considerations

Some points to consider include:

  • Loading and playing time when selecting media.
  • Media can only be used for tests to be taken via Online Testing.
  • You must either have the right to use the selected media or follow any copyright procedures stipulated by the owner (such as providing credits).

Add Media

The process for adding media depends according to the type of media.

YouTube Media

If you are using audio or video hosted on YouTube, embed the media link using Add Media on the text editor. This applies regardless of whether you are adding the media directly to an item or rubric, or using it to create a passage resource.

  1. Access the secure version of YouTube at

    You can only use secure links. The URL must begin with https, not http.

  2. Navigate to the media you want to use.
  3. Copy the video's embed link.

    Do not use the URL provided via the Share link.

  4. In Performance Matters, locate the item, rubric, or resource where the media will be placed.
  5. Click into the text field where you want the media to display.
  6. Choose Embed Media from the text editor.
  7. Paste the copied URL into the URL field.
  8. If the media is a video, select a re-size type.
  9. Optionally, set the alignment.
  10. Click OK.

Other Media

If you are going to use a media file hosted by any other service provider, you must create a passage resource for the media. Adding media directly may display correctly in item previews, but it will not display correctly in Online Testing. Refer to Resources for more information. When you are ready to use the media, add the media resource to the item. Refer to Add Resources to Items for more information.

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