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Rubric Security

You can manage the permissions associated with a rubric.

Locked Rubrics

By default, any rubric included on a released test is locked and cannot be edited. To make changes to a locked rubric, you must create a copy and modify it as needed.

Caution MessageReasonNext Steps
This rubric cannot be edited because it is used on a test that has been released.
You cannot make changes to this rubric because it is included on a test that has already been released to students. Editing any criteria on the rubric in this state could compromise this rubric's student data.
  1. Navigate to the search page.
  2. Search for the rubric.
  3. Click Copy.
  4. Rename the rubric.
  5. Add the new rubric to the test or item.

Assign Permissions

By default, all active faculty within the district have Read permission to rubrics when they are created. No additional steps are needed to assign Read permissions, but you can customize rubric permissions.

  1. Click the global search icon.
  2. Select Rubrics in the Type section.
  3. Enter Search criteria, then press Enter.
  4. Click Edit on the rubric description.
  5. Click Permissions.
  6. Click Add user or group.
  7. Use the search fields to narrow the list of users or groups.
  8. Select the row you want to add.

    To select more than one user at a time, press and hold the CTRL key on a PC or the CMD key on a Mac as you make your selections.

  9. Click OK.
  10. Select the permission level for each row. Permission level options include:
    • Read - Users can preview the object.
    • Copy - Read permission and users can copy the object.
    • Update - Copy permission and users can update the object information.
    • Admin - Update permission and users can delete and assign permissions.
  11. Click Save.
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