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Set up a scanner


  • Existing operational network utilizing TCP/IP

  • Networked (internet-connected) scanner that supports scan to FTP functionality

  • FTP Client Port is enabled on the device 

  • Color quality: grayscale or color 

  • Scanner Resolution: 200dpi or greater 

  • File type: TIF or PDF

Customize your FTP profile

To scan to FTP, you must enter the FTP server credentials. This eliminates the need to enter your credentials every time you want to scan.

  1. Log in to the printer via a web browser using either the IP address (for example, or the hostname (for example,

  2. Enter the FTP server credentials following the instructions specific to your scanner. Refer to your scanner's help resources for more information.


After students complete their assessments, scan the answer sheets using your scanner. Scans are sent to Performance Matters for scoring and reporting.

All necessary FTP and scan settings should be configured. 

  1. Place the documents face-up in the automatic document feeder or face-down on the scanner glass.

  2. Follow the scanning instructions specific to your scanner. Refer to your scanner's help resources for more information.

  3. After the scanner establishes a connection with the FTP server, you can begin scanning.

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