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Troubleshooting Online Testing

The minimum system requirements to use Online Testing include:

  • You must enable cookies and Javascript.
  • You have a stable broadband internet connection.
  • You have the most recent version of your browser (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari).
  • All * sites are not blocked or cached.
  • The link is available for all students.
IssuePossible CauseSolution
Students cannot view the login screen.The student is in Compatibility Mode on Internet ExplorerClick the broken page icon to get out of compatibility mode.
Students receive the error message: “Login cannot be processed at this time.”Wrong URLEvery district’s URL is different. Make sure you are using the URL for your district. The URL begins with ola (ola or ola#) It should end with something similar to ?ClientCode=flheat.
The student does not have a login.The district needs to add the student’s information to the Student Login file and request an upload if the file is not automated.
The student is inactive.Make sure the student has a schedule in ADMS.
The student correctly logs in, but the test is not available to them.The student was not included in the test population.Using OLA Student Admin, make sure the student has access to the test. If not, assign the student.
The student already took the test.Navigate to OLA Student Admin or the Student Detail report to verify whether the student previously took the test.
Javascript is disabled.The district’s IT needs to verify the computer the student is using has Javascript enabled.
Students can start the test, but some images are missing.Images were not correctly added to the item.Review the question on the district’s site to make sure the image is showing correctly. If not, edit the item.
The district has blocked Performance Matters URLs.

The district needs to allow the following URLs at a minimum:

It is better if you allow the URL: *

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.