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College Persistence

Post-secondary persistence for seamless enrollees by high school, at any post-secondary institution

The percent of graduates who enrolled in a post-secondary institution immediately after graduation and persisted into year two, broken down by category of initial institution. Students who moved between categories of post-secondary, but did not take a break between enrollments, will show as persisted under their original institution category. None denotes no record of the student in the fall immediately after graduation.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The full name of the school.


College Type

The full name for the organization, vendor, or educational service agency low-level grouping. For Educational agencies values such as University, Technical College, District In-Service, etc.


# Persisters in Year 2

The percentage of students that enrolled in a 2-year institution and continued enrollment into year two.

Post-secondary persistence by High School for 4-Year Institutions

Persistence rates to the second year of post-secondary for students who enrolled in a 4-year post-secondary institution broken down by high school. The percentage of students that stayed in the same category of initial enrollment or transitioned between post-secondary categories. Unknown denotes a student that enrolled into a post-secondary institution that does not have an enrollment record for their second year.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The full name of the school.


College Persistence Status

An indicator stating that the student continued enrollment at the institution for a second year.


# Students

The number of individual data elements included.

Post-secondary persistence by High School for Non-4-Year Institutions

Persistence rates to the second year of post-secondary for students who enrolled in either a 2-year or a less-than-2-year post-secondary institution broken down by high school. The percentage of students that stayed in the same category of initial enrollment or transitioned between post-secondary categories. Unknown denotes a student that enrolled into a post-secondary institution that does not have an enrollment record for their second year.

This metric separates out the different ways that students can persist. They can stay at the same type of institution they started at (4-year, 2-year, less than 2-year) or they can switch between types of institutions.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The full name of the school.


College Persistence Status

An indicator stating that the student continued enrollment at the institution for a second year.


# Students

The number of individual data elements included.

How well are our graduates persisting at 4-year post-secondary institutions?

The numbers and percent of graduates who enrolled and persisted into year two broken down by post-secondary institution.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The descriptive name for the legal entity or organization.


Number Enrolled

Number of students enrolled


Percent Enrolled

% of graduated students who enrolled


Number Persisted

Number of students that persisted


Percent Persisted

% of students that persisted in post-secondary by enrolling in an institution for a second year.

How well are our graduates persisting at non-4-year post-secondary institutions?

The numbers and percent of graduates who enrolled and persisted into year two broken down by post-secondary institution.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The descriptive name for the legal entity or organization.


Number Enrolled

Number of students enrolled


Percent Enrolled

% of graduated students who enrolled


Number Persisted

Number of students that persisted


Percent Persisted

% of students that persisted in post-secondary by enrolling in an institution for a second year.

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