School Narrative
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | School Code The code (typically numeric) designation for the school in the student information systems: 4, 50, 320, 559, etc. |
Dimension | School The full name of the school. |
Dimension | Cluster |
Dimension | Principal Name of the school's principal from the student management system. |
Dimension | School Status Status of the school: Open, Closed, Logical, etc. |
Dimension | Type Summer School, Regular Day School, Administrative, Night/Continuing Ed. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
Enrollment & Attendance Information
How has student enrollment changed over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
What does the ethnicity of our students look like this year?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
How has our diversity changed over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Dimension | School Year (METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
How stable are our grade level enrollment numbers over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Grade The student's grade level. |
Dimension | School Year (METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
What do our fluctuations over time look like by grade level and gender?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Gender Female, Male, or X (Gender not exclusively Male or Female). |
Dimension | Grade The student's grade level. |
Dimension | School Year (METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
What is our average yearly attendance over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | % Attendance Total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance. |
How has our special education population changed over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | School Year (METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc. |
Dimension | SPED Indicates whether the student is currently receiving Special Education services (Y/N). |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
How has the number of EL learners in our systems changed over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | ELL Indicates whether the student is currently active in an English as a Second Language program (Yes or No)? If the student is withdrawn and was participating in ESL at the time of withdrawing then they will be set to Yes. |
Dimension | School Year (METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
Are the primary categories and grade level concentrations of our SPED students changing over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Primary Disability (METADATA) - Indicates the student's general educational challenges classification (aka Education Exceptions or Ed Ex). Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Attention Deficit, etc. |
Dimension | School Year (METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |
Behavior Information
What are the reasons students are being suspended?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Offense Group The offense group values according to the local district grouping rules. This requires that the detailed offense codes are mapped into district groups in the SMS or in the DISCIPLINE_OFFENSE_GROUPS domain. |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
How has the use of suspensions as a response changed over time?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Action The type of action assigned in response to the incident: Time out - 1 hour or less, PEAK - In-school suspension, Out-of-school suspension, Hearing, etc. |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
Who are the students being suspended by gender and ethnicity?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Gender Female, Male, or X (Gender not exclusively Male or Female). |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
What is going on during busy referral months?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | MONTH_OF_YEAR |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
What is going on during high referral times?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Time |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
Who in what grades is being referred most often?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Grade Grade code from eSIS for the student's grade level for the current school year. 00, 01, 02, UG, PS, DC, etc. |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
Who is being referred most often?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
Where are students when they get behavior referrals?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Location (METADATA) - Location where the offense provoking the disciplinary response occurred: Classroom, Playground, Hall, Bus, etc. Note that if a location is not entered it is included as Other. |
Dimension | Year The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0. |
Measure | # Offenses The number of discipline incidences entered into the system. |
Which students are having repeated incidents this year?
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Frequency The number of discipline incidents recorded for a student. |
Measure | # Students The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once. |