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Factors Overview

How many students are showing risk in attendance factors?

Short and long-term attendance factors are broken down by risk category. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Risk Type

Multiple factors in each data domain may be included. Which factors are displayed will vary based on grade level and district data.


Risk Level

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found for each individual risk factor on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard. "No Data" communicates that no data is available to calculate a risk level.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How many students are showing risk in behavior factors?

Short and long-term behavior factors are broken down by risk category. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Risk Type

Multiple factors in each data domain may be included. Which factors are displayed will vary based on grade level and district data.


Risk Level

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found for each individual risk factor on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard. "No Data" communicates that no data is available to calculate a risk level.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How many students are showing risk in academic factors?

Short and long-term course and assessment factors are broken down by risk category. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Risk Type

Multiple factors in each data domain may be included. Which factors are displayed will vary based on grade level and district data.


Risk Level

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found for each individual risk factor on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard. "No Data" communicates that no data is available to calculate a risk level.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

Which risk factors have the most students being flagged as moderate or high?

The number of actively enrolled students who are at moderate or high risk for each factor.  Students will be in the overall count for all factors that they flag as moderate or high risk.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Risk Type

Multiple factors in each data domain may be included. Which factors are displayed will vary based on grade level and district data.


Risk Level

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found for each individual risk factor on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard. "No Data" communicates that no data is available to calculate a risk level.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

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