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Intervention settings

You must have district manager or administrator permissions to change the intervention settings. 

Create levels and types based on how you want to aggregate data for reporting.

To access intervention settings:

  1. From the Utility Apps menu, select MTSS Interventions.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.

Enroll/withdraw reasons

Enroll and withdraw reasons are the code you use when you enroll a student into or withdraw or exit a student out of an intervention. The Enroll/Withdraw Reasons page displays currently configured reason codes, including the following fields:

  • Reason Type displays the type of code.
  • Reason Name is the name that displays for staff members to select in the interventions and intervention templates.
  • Completion Class displays the overall outcome of the completion.


Intervention levels are the tiers or escalation paths of interventions in your MTSS cycle. For example, classroom, district-wide, Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3. You will use intervention levels when creating intervention templates.

Set the secure flag to limit who can view the intervention. Select Is Secure to hide results from the Student Profile and Outcomes Reporting. Only the global admin and staff listed in the intervention will have access to interventions with secured levels or subtypes. 
Data for unsecured interventions are available for all users in the Outcomes reporting.

Intervention types

Intervention Types are the categorization of the interventions in your intervention library. For example, Academic, Attendance, and Behavior.

The intervention sub-type is the next level of categorization. For example, in an academic intervention, you may have a Mathematics sub-type.

Set the secure flag to limit who can view the intervention. Select Is Secure to hide results from the Student Profile and Outcomes Reporting. Only the global admin and staff listed in the intervention will have access to interventions with secured levels or subtypes. Data for unsecured interventions are available for all users in the Outcomes reporting.

Member types

Member types communicate the definition of the data feeding into the intervention. This is for information and troubleshooting purposes only.

Student support resources

Student Support Resources are launched from interventions and define a practice or content used to aid students in the intervention. 

Resources added to an Intervention Plan will be added to subsequent interventions created from the plan. Intervention editors can remove and add resources within an intervention. Only Public resources can be added to interventions.

PowerSchool partners with research-backed, non-profit organizations that provide free resources to inform academic, attendance, social and emotional, and behavioral interventions. These external resources are available to all users and are labeled with the provider's name. Internally created resources are labeled with Internally Created.

Observation labels

You will use observation labels to track a student's progress for the intervention meeting. You can customize the label text and color. 

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