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Manage student plans

The Student Plans page displays a list of existing student plans. Use this page to create, copy, edit, and delete existing plans.

A student plan is available to the staff member who created the plan or to staff with RLS links to the student for whom the plan was made. District administrators can view and edit student plans created by other staff. A student plan can only be deleted by the staff member who created the plan.

If needed, use the table column filter functionality to limit the number of records.

The system pulls the current student data for academic, assessment, attendance, behavior, and demographic fields when you create a plan. The data is not automatically updated unless an administrator requests a data refresh for the template. 

Create a student plan

To create a student plan from the MTSS Student Plans application:

  1. From the Utility Apps menu, choose MTSS Student Plans.

  2. Navigate to the Plans tab.

  3. Click New Student Plan.

  4. In Find a Student, enter the student's name. At least three characters are needed to return search results.

  5. In Find a Staff, enter the names of staff members associated with the plan. 

  6. Choose a Plan Template.

  7. Enter a Plan Name.

  8. Specify a Start Date and End Date
    The start or end date cannot be a past date.

  9. Click Continue.

To create a plan from the Student Profile page:

  1. Click the Student Plans tab.

  2. Click Create New Plan.

  3. Choose a Plan Template from the drop-down or enter a template name.

  4. Enter a Plan Name.

  5. Specify a Start Date and End Date.
    The start or end date cannot be a past date.

  6. Set the Status to Active or Inactive.

  7. Click Continue.

Copy a student plan

You cannot change the student or template when copying a plan.

  1. On the plan you want to copy, click the Copy (paper) icon in the Action column.

  2. If needed, select the Assigned Staff.

  3. Enter a new Plan Name.

  4. Enter the Effective Dates
    The start or end date cannot be a past date.

  5. Click Save.

Edit a student plan

  1. On the record you want to edit, click the Edit (pencil) icon in the Action column.

  2. Click the Edit (pencil) icon for the student's name.

  3. Make the necessary changes to the plan.

  4. Click Save.

Delete a student plan

  1. On the record you want to delete, click the Delete (trash) icon in the Action column.

  2. Click Delete again to confirm the delete action.

Bulk edit

To bulk-edit multiple plans:

  1. Select multiple plans or select all plans in the table header to select all records.

  2. Click Bulk Edit.

  3. Choose from available actions:

    1. Change All Date Values: Enter a Start or End Date. The start date can be in the past.

    2. Delete All Selected: Select to delete all selected records.

  4. Click Save.

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