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Predictive Factors

Predictive Input Factors by Grade

The table provides a list of all of the factors which are currently being utilized to calculate the probability of on-time graduation. The data elements are sorted by the most to the least impactful factor within each grade.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The student's grade level.


Predictive Input

The name of the data element that was utilized in this week's prediction for on-time graduation. The predictive model runs weekly and the items listed and their order of importance may change.


Predictive Input Year

The school year in which the data element listed was generated by the student. The predictive model utilizes both prior year and current year data.


Predictive Input Interval

The time of year in which the data element listed was generated by the student. The predictive model utilizes prior year data as well as current year to date (YTD) and shorter 30-day cycles throughout the year.

Student Composite Risk with Predictive Inputs

A by student listing of all of the data utilized for the current prediction for on-time graduation. Expand the metric to see further detail about the column headings under definitions. Input values marked with an asterisk indicate an imputed value. Empty cells indicate input factors that are not relevant to the student's current grade.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Predictive Input Year

The school year in which the data element listed was generated by the student. The predictive model utilizes both prior year and current year data.


Predictive Input Interval

The time of year in which the data element listed was generated by the student. The predictive model utilizes prior year data as well as current year to date (YTD) and shorter 30-day cycles throughout the year.


Predictive Value

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. 

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