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Probability Overview

Risk Standing

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Current Risk Level

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found on the cut scores dashboard.

Is overall student risk level decreasing over time?

The number of students at each risk level for each risk identification date.  These numbers will include all students enrolled at the time, even if they are currently inactive.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.


Risk Level

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard.



The date of the record.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

What is the average graduation probability per school?

This chart takes every student enrolled for the dates listed and averages their probability of on-time graduation into a single number.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.



The full name of the school.



The date of the record.


Average Measure Value

High, Moderate, and Low are the levels of risk calculated. Cut scores for high, moderate, and low risk can be found on the Cut Scores - Risk Analysis dashboard.

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