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Release - January 2023

PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 1/14/2023.


Product AreaSummaryRelease Note


New Mark % column

A ”Mark %” column was added to all drill-through templates on the Achievement and Core Subjects Summary pages.


Updated drill-through templates to reduce scrolling

The default height for drill-through (Detail) templates was updated from 1000 pixels to 500 pixels to reduce the need for scrolling and to ensure visibility of table column headers.


Updated Student List metrics

Metrics on the following dashboards displaying student data rows now include checkboxes as well as an Actions menu to take action on selected records:

  • Essentials, Assessments, Score Roster
  • Risk Analysis, Individual Factors, Student Data Wall


Updated Unified Insights data warehouse

The Unified Insights data warehouse now has MARK_PERCENTAGE data in the STUDENT_MARKS table.


Updated Assessments ETL

If a file fails to load, it will no longer stop the Assessments ETL process and instead is logged as an exception while processing continues.

Classroom, My Students Overview

Updated subtitle

The subtitle for metric “What Are The Demographics In My Classroom” was updated from “The ethnicity and gender counts for your classes“ to “The ethnicity and gender counts for my classes.“


Updated state-specific query (WY)

The state-specific queries for Wyoming were updated to more accurately reflect the number of SPED students in IEP/Special Education student data.

Essentials, Attendance

New YTD Attendance column

Drill-through on metric “What are the Most Frequent Absence Types?” on the Attendance Overview dashboard now includes the YTD Attendance percentage.

Essentials, Attendance

New YTD Attendance column

Drill-through on metric “What are the Most Frequent Absence Types?” on the Attendance Overview dashboard now includes the YTD Attendance rate.

Essentials, Attendance

Updated metric colors

Color coding of the School Comparison metrics was updated to match the four levels of attendance for Chronic Absences:

  • No Absence Issues (Green)
  • Trending Chronic (Yellow)
  • Nearly Chronic (Orange)
  • Chronically Absent (Red)

Essentials, Attendance Overview

Updated metric block colors

Color coding of the Attendance metric blocks on the Overview dashboard was updated to match the four levels of attendance for Chronic Absences:

  • No Absence Issues (Green)
  • Trending Chronic (Yellow)
  • Nearly Chronic (Orange)
  • Chronically Absent (Red)

Student Profile, Assessment Detail

New Test Date column

The “Student Test Score History” metric on the Assessment Detail dashboard now includes the Test Date for each assessment.

Student Profile, Overview

Updated metric block colors

Color coding of the Absences & Attendance metric blocks on the Overview dashboard was updated to match the four levels of the standard content Chronic Absence levels found in metric “Do We Have Students that are Close to Being Chronically Absent?” on the Chronic Absences dashboard.

Student Profile, Overview

Updated metric colors

Color coding for metric “Student Attendance Trend” was updated to match the four levels of attendance for Chronic Absences:

  • No Absence Issues (Green)
  • Trending Chronic (Yellow)
  • Nearly Chronic (Orange)
  • Chronically Absent (Red)

Student Readiness, Graduation

New Credits dashboard based on subject and credit status by student

A new Student Readiness Credits dashboard provides users with an overview of students’ subject-based credit progress toward graduation based on credits attempted, earned, and credit failure status.

Student Readiness

Updated Grad Cohort filter

Updates were made to the Grad Cohort filter on all metrics on the NSC Reports dashboard to default to the last four (4) years instead of the prior single year of four years earlier and now displays all years of data available to reveal the annual trends by default.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaSummaryRelease Note


Curriculum-level filters excluded Academics data

Updated the inherit SQL query logic to resolve an issue where the Academics standard content was limited at the dashboards.


Unable to add email

Admins can now add the email field when creating or updating a user.

Attendance, Attendance Overview

Updated metric legend

The Year legend on metric “Period Attendance” is now sorted in ascending order.


Updated Incident filters

Removed dummy values from the Incident Group and Incident Type filters on standard Behavior content.


Incorrect metric sub-header

Fixed an incorrect metric sub-header for the following Enrollment and Attendance metrics:

  • Enrollment, Withdrawals, "Which schools have the highest number of withdrawals?”
  • Attendance, Chronic Absences, “Which years have the most chronically absent students?”

Risk Analysis, Proximity to Cut Score

Updated Cutpoint Proximity classification

Updated coding logic to correct the Cutpoint Proximity classification.

School Profile

Updated hover text

Updated the hover text to remove an incorrect percent sign for the following metrics:

  • “How has student enrollment changed over time?”
  • “What does the ethnicity of our students look like this year?”

Student Groups

Fixed the Share Group Permission filter

Fixed an issue in the Share Group with Users modal where the Permission filter did not filter the permissions column correctly. In addition, the Permission filter drop-down did not display all options after applying the Permission filter. This has been corrected.

Student Groups

Incorrect student group prompt

When adding students to a new group, the user is now correctly prompted to enter the student ID instead of the student key.

Student Plans

Missing text when printing student plans

Fixed an issue where additional text entered in the Text Area and Text Field components was not included when printing the Student Plans application unless the text box was fully expanded.

Student Plans

Unable to create student plan with the same plan name for different students

Users can now use the same plan name for different Student and Template combinations. However, when using the same student and template, the plan still needs to have a unique name.


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