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Release - February 2023

PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 2/10/2023.


Product AreaSummaryRelease Note

Attendance, Classroom Absences

Updated metric headersThe words “Period” and “Periods” were removed from the “# Period Absent” and “# Periods Tardy” headers in metric “What are the absence and tardy counts for classrooms this year?”

Attendance, School Comparison

Updated sort order

Schools in metric “How does our attendance by subgroup compare between schools?” are now sorted in alphabetical order on the School Comparison dashboard.


Updated state-specific query (KS)

The following state-specific demographic data was updated for Kansas:

  • ELL Status (ESOL Program Code values)

District Configuration

Updated configuration labels

The word “behavior” was replaced with the word “incident” in the District Configuration settings.

  • The Behavior menu title is now labeled Incidents.
  • The Behavior Type menu title is now labeled Incident Type.
  • The Behavior Groups menu title is now labeled Incident Groups.
  • The BEHAVIOR TYPE column header is now labeled INCIDENT TYPE.
  • The BEHAVIOR GROUP column header is now labeled the INCIDENT GROUP.

Enrollment, Withdrawals

New Exit Date column

An ”EXIT DATE” column was added to all drill-through templates of the Withdrawal dashboard.


New dashboards

Customers who opted in for the Interventions module have access to the following new sub-dashboards:

  • Intervention List
  • Student Intervention List

Site Administration

Impersonate user

District administrators can now impersonate users in Unified Insights.

Student Profile, Assessment Detail

New Student Profile metrics

The following metrics were added to the Assessment Detail dashboard:

  • “How are students performing in ELA interim assessment?”
  • “How are students performing in Math interim assessment?”
  • “How are students performing in ELA State assessment?”
  • “How are students performing in MATH State assessment?”

Student Profile, Behavior Detail

New Student Profile metrics

The following metrics were added to the Behavior Detail dashboard.

  • “Incidents by Building Location”
  • “Incidents by Day of Week”
  • “Incidents by Time of Day”

Student Profile, Overview

New Exit column

An “EXIT” column was added to the “Detailed Enrollment History” metric displaying the withdrawal exit date.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaSummaryRelease Note

Academics, Achievement

Updated metric count

Metric "What are the current GPAs of our students" has been updated to address an incorrect student count. The code now considers the student's annual grade instead of the current grade.

Academics, Standards by Grade

Updated legend sort order

All metric legends on the Standards by Grade dashboard were updated to sort in ascending order.


Query timeout error

Users encountered a query timeout error when selecting the Student Views filter option "Tested in this School" on NWEA, SAT, and IOWA dashboards. The filter’s Where Clause logic was updated to resolve the issue.

Enrollment, Admissions

Incorrect enrollment count

Metric “How has our student admissions patterns changed year over year?” included students with a future enrollment date. This issue was resolved.

Enrollment, Withdrawals

Updated metric title

Metric “YTD Withdrawn F/RL” was renamed to “YTD Withdrawn F&RL” on the Withdrawals dashboard.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.