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Release - March 2022


Product Area




Updated filter function

When one or more dashboard filters are applied, a “Clear All Filters” button now appears to remove all filters.


Updated header

The product name in the application header has been updated to “Unified Insights.”

AssessmentsUpdated ACT metricsAll ACT metrics now display five years’ worth of data.
AssessmentsUpdated metric “State Achievement: Science”On the State dashboard, dynamic performance level legends were added to the “State Achievement: Science” metric.
AssessmentsUpdated NWEA metrics

The following NWEA metrics now display Fall to Fall data:

  • “% Students Keeping Pace on NWEA Reading (Fall to Fall)”
  • “% Students Keeping Pace on NWEA Math (Fall to Fall)”
AssessmentsUpdated NWEA metrics

The following NWEA metrics now display five years’ worth of data with an updated title to reflect the 50th %ile:

  • “Students at or above Grade Level (at or above 50th %ile) on NWEA Math”
  • “Students at or above Grade Level (at or above 50th %ile) on NWEA Reading”


Updated School Comparison metrics

The School Comparison metrics are rendered with an auto-scale for the Y-axis. The axis scale calculation is based on the available data. Instead of fixed 0 to 100 scale values on the Y-axis, it now selects the scale automatically based on available data points. This reduces clutter on a graph when there is a high concentration of 90-100 percentages on a 0 to 100 scale.


Updated Analysis metrics

The Y-axis label has been updated from “# of Incidents” to “# of Offenses” for the following Analysis metrics:

  • “Incidents by School”
  • “Incidents by Building Location”
  • “Incidents by Grade”
  • “Incidents by Day of Week”
  • “Incidents by Time of Day”
  • “Incidents by Race”
  • “Incidents by Type”

Gender N displayed as Non-Binary

Gender N now displays in metrics as Non-Binary instead of error message @NotConfigured.

DemographicsNew state-specific query (Kansas)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Kansas:

  • 504 Status
  • ELL Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • Migrant Student Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
DemographicsNew state-specific query (Maryland)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Maryland:

  • 504 Status
  • ELL Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • Migrant Student Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
DemographicsNew state-specific query (New Hampshire)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for New Hampshire:

  • 504 Status
  • ELL Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • Migrant Student Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status


New state-specific query (New Jersey)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for New Jersey:

  • 504 Status
  • ELL Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • Migrant Student Status
  • Gifted Student Status
  • Title1 Status


New state-specific query (Texas)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Texas:

  • 504 Status
  • ELL Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • Migrant Student Status
  • Title 1 Status
  • Foster Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
DemographicsNew state-specific query (Utah)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Texas:

  • 504 Status
  • ELL Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • Migrant Student Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status

Updated Multi-Race logic

Previously, the Ethnicity field displayed “Multi” when multiple races were selected within a federal race category. It now displays the federal race category.


Updated state-specific query logic for Gender (California)

The California (CA) state-specific query has been updated per the new gender logic requirement.


Updated metric “How many students have been enrolled?”

On the Enrollment Overview dashboard, the style template applied to the metric “How many students have been enrolled?” has been changed to Interactive VBar Stacked.


Multiple GPA methods

School districts can now have multiple GPA methods as active. The student’s GPA data will load based on the applicable active GPA method.

Student ListUpdated columns

The following columns have been updated on student drill-through pages.

Menu Path


Previous Column

New Column

Essentials / Overview / Performance Indicators

Chronic Absenteeism

Chronically Absenteeism (%)

Attendance %

Essentials / Attendance / Chronic Absences

Do We Have Students that are Close to Being Chronically Absent?

% Students

Attendance %

Essentials / Attendance / Chronic Absences

Which years have the most chronically absent students?

% Students

Attendance %

Essentials / Academics / AP

Is AP scheduling proportionate between subgroups?

% Students

# of AP Courses

Essentials / Digital Learning / Student Activity

% of Courses Active In

% Students

# of Courses

Classroom / My Students / Overview

Do I have students close to being chronically absent?

% Students

Attendance %

Classroom / Attendance / Absences

Who are my students trending towards chronic absenteeism for my class?

% Students

Attendance %

Student Profile

New table “Student Academic Standards Progress”

A new table called “Student Academic Standards Progress” was added to the Student Profile, Academic Detail page.

Curriculum data was removed from the existing table “Student Academic History” and added to the new table.

The table is not available when there is no curriculum data.

The new table contains the following columns:

  • Year
  • Sem
  • School
  • Grade
  • Course Name
  • Course Subject
  • Type (only curriculum)
  • Grading Period
  • Skill
  • Item
  • Mark

Student Profile

Updated Academic Detail list

The “Student Academic Standards Progress” list now displays curriculum marks. If no curriculum data exists, the table is not populated.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaSummaryRelease Note


Removed Z-Score Distribution metrics for MAP

The following metrics were removed from the NWEA dashboard:

  • “MAP Student Math Z-Score Distribution 2020-2021”
  • “MAP Student Reading Z-Score Distribution 2020-2021”


Updated filters

Customers can now correctly filter data in the below metrics based on the School View filter options of “Currently Enrolled in School,”  “Tested in this School,” and “Cohort Annualized to this School”:

  • Essentials, Assessments, Score Roster, “How has students assessment proficiency changed over time?”
  • Essentials, Assessments, Score Search, “Student List”


Program Exit Date ignored

Students with an Exit Date were included in active program enrollment. This has been corrected.

Student List

Incorrect F&RL status

Drill-through to the student detail page displayed incorrect F&RL status information. This has been corrected.

Student Profile

Fixed duplicate records issue

On the Schedule dashboard, the “Student Detailed Schedule” metric was updated to fix an issue with duplicate records. Now, only unique records appear.

New Features



Risk Analysis Dashboards

For customers who opt in to enable the Risk Analysis module, a new set of dashboards is available to district and school administrators for Risk Analysis data:

  • Graduation Probability
    • Overview
    • Students at Risk
    • Proximity to Cut Score
    • School-wide Risk
    • Withdrawn Student Analysis
  • Individual Factors
    • Overview
    • Student Data Wall
  • Cut Scores
    • Cut Scores
  • Trends
    • Overview
    • Attendance
    • Behavior
    • Academics
  • Validation
    • Predictive Factors
    • Imputed Details
    • End Outcome

These filter options are available on all Risk Analysis dashboards:

  • School
  • Grade
  • Staff
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • SPED
  • ELL
  • Student Group

Risk Analysis District Configuration

Customers who opt in to enable the Risk Analysis module can update risk factor thresholds in District Configuration screens. Dashboard metrics display student risk categories based on the custom threshold settings.

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