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Release - May 2022

New Features



Support for custom filters within the dashboardsUnified Insights supports the use of custom filters to allow customers to add new filters to dashboards. The filters will be maintained with future releases.
Support for two new custom user roles from the SISCustomers now have access to two new custom roles (Custom Role 1 and Custom Role 2) to support their specific access roles needed within Unified Insights.
New School Admin role Customers now have access to a new "School Admin (No drillthrough)" role to allow dashboard access without access to student-level drill-through data.
Data Model Explorer application available to Portal Admin users 

The Data Model Explorer application provides a data mapping tool of the Unified Insights table and column structure to view how dashboard data is related within the data warehouse and provides the user with the ability to see the relationship of data within the dashboards and the source columns.

Beta availability of new District Configuration application

The new District Configuration application to improve ease of use for Portal Admin users is now available as a beta for Unified Insights version


Product Area




Improved metric consistency for the Performance Indicators Overview dashboard

Updated the "What grades are students receiving in core courses?" metric on the Performance Indicators Overview dashboard to only show grades in the current year.

ApplicationUpdated color palette, condition set, and style template content group lockingContent group checking and locking now applies to Color Palette Chooser, Condition Set Editor, and Style Template Editor applications. All editable fields are now disabled or enabled depending on locking status. The application info listing now displays assigned content groups.
ApplicationFixed issue with dynamic cohorts not being available in associated page filtersThis resolves an issue where the associated dashboard page filters did not reload the items on the next page load (after cohort insert had finished) when a dynamic cohort had been inserted. This also resolves an issue where the cohort origin was displayed twice in the cohort listing after first adding a new cohort since both issues shared the same cause.
ApplicationFixed issue with date range filtersCorrected an issue with date range filters not working properly with parent filters.

Improved analysis and data representation

Updated the Curriculum grades (Skills) to bring in scale description to eliminate mapping. Also added up to six levels to allow more sophisticated metrics.


New I-Ready ELA and Math assessments metrics

Added the following metrics to the Essentials, Assessments, I-Ready, Diagnostic ELA (or Diagnostic Mathematics), I-Ready ELA (or Math) sub-dashboards to include the new Overall Score by School (Elementary/Middle/High) metrics are updated as a single visual name for the following:

  • I-Ready ELA Overall Score by Schools
  • I-Ready Math Overall Score by Schools
AssessmentsIncreased the number of levels of curriculum standards supported from the PS-SIS integrationUpdated the curriculum and standards levels from the SIS to support all six levels of curriculum and standards as compared to three in prior release versions.

Updated "Which years have the most chronically absent students?" metric totals

The Essentials, Attendance, Chronic Absences, "Which years have the most chronically absent students?" metric totals did not equal 100% like other metrics on the page. The metric was updated to match user expectations and reduce confusion.


Updated Ethnicity Analysis metrics

Updated the Essentials, Behavior, Ethnicity Analysis metrics to more accurately account for relative equity across ethnicity groups. The metrics now show the percentage of students out of the total number of students, not just the percentage of the ethnicity group.


Updated ISS Rate and OSS Rate metrics drill-through data pointsAdded columns # ISS and # OSS to the drill-through pages of Essentials, Behavior, Suspension Usage, ISS Rate and OSS Rate metrics respectively.
EnrollmentUpdated Enrollment Information metric

The # Students column in the Enrollment Overview, Enrollment Information table now includes the percentage of students for each student sub-group. 


Updated metric "How many students have been enrolled?" Updated the Enrollment Overview "How many students have been enrolled?" metric title and subtitle for greater clarity.
  • New title: "How has our enrollment and exit numbers changed year over year?"
  • New subtitle: "The number of students enrolled and exited over the years."

Student Profile

New Student Overview metrics

The following metric blocks were added to the Student Profile Overview dashboard:

  • Last 5 Days Attendance
  • Last 30 Days Attendance
  • Year-to-date Attendance

Student Profile

New Academic Detail metricA new metric called ”Student Academic Trends for Final Marks” was added to the Student Profile, Academic Detail sub-dashboard to display the distribution of marks by term.

Student Profile

New Attendance Detail metrics

The following metrics were added to the Student Profile, Attendance Detail sub-dashboard:

  • Attendance Trends by Month
  • Period Attendance
  • Day of Week Absences
Student ProfileNew Period Absences metricA new metric called "Period Absences" was added to the Student Profile, Attendance Detail sub-dashboard to display period absences.
DemographicsNew state-specific query (Mississippi)All state-specific demographic data is now available for Mississippi:
     * 504 Status
     * ELL Status
     * Homeless Student Status
     * IEP Status
     * Migrant Student Status
     * Gifted Status
     * Foster Status
     * Title1 Status
Demographics  New state-specific query (Nebraska)All state-specific demographic data is now available for Nebraska:
     * 504 Status
     * ELL Status
     * IEP Status
     * Migrant Student Status
     * Gifted Status
     * Unaccompanied Youth Status
DemographicsNew state-specific query (Nevada)All state-specific demographic data is now available for Nevada:
     * 504 Status
     * ELL Status
     * Homeless Student Status
     * IEP Status
     * Migrant Student Status
     * Gifted Status
     * Foster Status
Demographics  New state-specific query (New Mexico)All state-specific demographic data is now available for New Mexico:
     * 504 Status
     * ELL Status
     * Homeless Student Status
     * IEP Status
     * Migrant Student Status
     * Gifted Status
     * Unaccompanied Youth Status
     * At Risk Status
Demographics  New state-specific query (North Dakota)All state-specific demographic data is now available for North Dakota:
     * 504 Status
     * ELL Status
     * Homeless Student Status
     * IEP Status
     * Migrant Student Status
     * Gifted Status
     * Unaccompanied Youth Status
     * Title1 Status
Demographics  New state-specific query (Oklahoma)All state-specific demographic data is now available for Oklahoma:
     * 504 Status
     * ELL Status
     * Homeless Student Status
     * IEP Status
     * Migrant Student Status
     * Gifted Status
     * Foster Status
     * Unaccompanied Youth Status
     * At Risk Status
     * Title1 Status
DemographicsNew state-specific query (Vermont)All state-specific demographic data is now available for Vermont:
     * 504 Status
     * ELL Status
     * Homeless Student Status
     * IEP Status
     * Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
     * Title1 Status

Update to California state-specific queries for Student Language

California customers will see the Student Language field is now populated based on S_CA_STU_X.PRIMARYLANGUAGE table extension instead of Student Core fields.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaSummaryRelease Note
ApplicationFixed issue with dynamic groups or cohorts not being available in associated page filtersCorrected the issue where the associated dashboard page filters were not reloading their items on the next page load (after cohort insert had finished) when a dynamic cohort had been inserted. This fix also resolves an issue where the cohort origin was displayed twice in the cohort listing after first adding a new cohort since both issues were caused by the same bug.
ApplicationFixed @ERR display issueFixed an issue with the Student Profile, Academic Details showing @ERR instead of the staff name.
AcademicsFixed a drill-through issue

Corrected the drill-through for "[Subject name] D and F %" metrics on the Academics, Core Subjects Summary dashboard.

AcademicsFixed an issue with metric not showing dataFixed an issue with the Core Subjects Summary, "How have science grades changed?" metric not displaying data for some customers.
AttendanceFixed issue with metric not totaling 100% for each school yearFixed an issue with the Essentials, Attendance, Chronic Absences, "Which years have the most chronically absent students?" metric did not add up to 100% for each school year.
BehaviorBehavior Counts not filtering correctlyFixed an issue to correct filtered Behavior Counts within the dashboards.
ClassroomFixed issue with curriculum gradesUpdated the Classroom, Academic Progress, "Who are my students currently failing my course?" metric to include curriculum grades.
InterventionsImproved readability of Enrollment codes When managing students in an intervention, items in the Enrollment Status drop-down list were sometimes difficult to read. This has been corrected. 
InterventionsUpdated mandatory field labels and validationRequired Intervention Settings fields are now marked with a red asterisk, and field validation was updated to work as expected.
InterventionsIntervention scheduling dates showed one day extra from the selected date

Fixed a time zone issue between user and server when scheduling specific dates within Interventions that previously could result in the days being “one-off” of the intended date. This has been corrected. 

InterventionsImproved Intervention module to address performance and slowness issues

Addressed various performance and reported slowness issues within the Interventions application to improve the user experience.

InterventionsFixed issue with deleting goalsFixed an issue with deleting goals in the Interventions module. 
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