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Release - August 2022

PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 8/13/2022. 

New Features



New District Configuration User Interface

A new District Configuration user interface (UI) is available to users with District Admin access. The new UI provides a better user experience and no longer requires remapping of the same values across school years and school codes, saving time to complete district configuration for implementation and ongoing updates.

  • Users can now save their tabular updates with a single Save button.
  • Action types now show unique values.
  • Behavior types now show unique values.

New Student Readiness module

A new Student Readiness module is available for Beta release. The module focuses on the college readiness of students and incorporates National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) data integration for tracking college attendance and college graduation rates of students for six years after graduating from high school.

Student Readiness includes the following dashboards:

  • Graduation
    • Graduation
  • Post-Secondary
    • College Enrollment
    • College Persistence
    • College Graduation
    • NSC Reports

In addition, a new Student Readiness Detail dashboard was added to the Student Profile dashboard with the following metrics:

  • Student Narrative
  • Class Of


Product AreaSummaryDescription


New Core Subjects Summary column

Upon drill-through of the following Core Subjects Summary metrics, the detail page features a new column named, “COURSE NAME”:

  • How are ELA grades distributed by grade level?
  • How are math grades distributed by grade level?
  • How are science grades distributed by grade level?
  • How are Social Studies grades distributed by grade level?


New data filter

New data filter “Subject” was added to the School Skill Progress and Student Skill Progress dashboards. By default, the dashboards load with the English/Language Arts filter as well as existing default filters for the current year and district.


New School Skill Progress metric

A new metric called, “How are students performing on district standards by grade?” was added to the School Skill Progress sub-dashboard and is available to all users except Secondary School admins.


New Standards by Grade dashboard

A new metric “Standards Proficiency by Grade” on the Standards by Grade dashboard analyzes SIS standards proficiency at the subject level by grade.


Student Marks populated from SIS source

The Unified Insights data warehouse will now have Student Marks populated from SIS source.

Assessments > I-Ready

New ELA metric

New metric “I-Ready ELA Overall Score by Grade Level” metric was added to I-Ready Diagnostic ELA sub-dashboard.

Assessments > NWEA

Updated NWEA legend

The legend of the following NWEA metrics was updated to reflect the correct year order:

  • “% Students Keeping Pace on NWEA Math (Fall to Fall)”
  • “% Students Keeping Pace on NWEA Reading (Fall to Fall)”


Updated Student list options

All Student List drill-throughs on Assessment dashboards have been updated with a checkbox option and Actions tab to take action on selected students.

Assessments > ACT

Updated tooltip on ACT dashboard

The tooltip for metrics “Average ACT Score” and “Average Subject Scores” now displays count measures.


Various metric legends updated

The legend for the following metrics has been updated to consider all data points in the proficiency ranges:

  • NWEA
    • Student Proficiency Bands on NWEA Math
    • Student Proficiency Bands on NWEA Reading
  • STAR
    • Are students becoming more proficient on STAR Mathematics?
    • Are students becoming more proficient on STAR ELA?

The legend was updated as follows:

  • 'ABOVE 75TH'
  • 'LESS THAN 25TH'


New Period Attendance metric

A new metric called “Period Attendance” was added to the Attendance Overview dashboard.


Updated Chronic Absences metrics

The previous year student count in Chronic Absences metrics now takes into account the selected year and grade instead of filtering it with the current year active status.


Updated metric subtitle

The subtitle of metric “Which years have the most chronically absent students?” in Essentials, Attendance, Chronic Absences was updated to say, “The percent of students in each chronic absence category over time.”


Metric removed

Metric “How are tardies for my classes?" was removed from the My Students Overview dashboard.


New data filter

New data filter “Year” was added to all Classroom dashboards.

Classroom > Academic Progress

Updated subtitle

On the Student Skill Progress dashboard, the subtitle of metric “Are students mastering our defined academic standards?” now reads, “A list of students and their level of mastery for all chosen standards.”


New state-specific query (Alaska)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Alaska:

  • Migrant Student Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • Title1 Student Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • ELL Status
  • 504 Status


New state-specific query (Florida)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Florida:

  • Migrant Student Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • Gifted Status
  • Foster Status
  • IEP Status
  • ELL Status
  • 504 Status


New state-specific query (Idaho)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Idaho:

  • Migrant Student Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • Title1 Student Status
  • Gifted Status
  • IEP Status
  • ELL Status
  • 504 Status


New state-specific query (Rhode Island)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Rhode Island:

  • Migrant Student Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • Title1 Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • ELL Status
  • 504 Status


New state-specific query (Wisconsin)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Wisconsin:

  • Migrant Student Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • ELL Status
  • 504 Status


New state-specific query (Wyoming)

All state-specific demographic data is now available for Wyoming:

  • Migrant Student Status
  • Homeless Student Status
  • Title1 Student Status
  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
  • Foster Status
  • IEP Status
  • ELL Status
  • 504 Status


Updated state-specific query (Massachusetts)

The following state-specific demographic data was updated for Massachusetts:

  • ELL Status


Updated state-specific query (Utah)

The following state-specific demographic data was updated for Utah:

  • Unaccompanied Youth Student Status
  • IEP Status
  • ELL Status
  • 504 Status
  • Title 1 Status


Updated state-specific query (Virginia)

The following state-specific demographic data was updated for Virginia:

  • ELL Status

Developer Tools

Updated standards-based Curriculum Code and Curriculum Levels to support PS SIS standards through six levels

Four new standards-based metric columns were added to the Content Definitions in Developer Tools. Data is populated based on SIS standards as standard content in the data warehouse to support all six levels from PS SIS standards.

The new columns are:

  • Content Definitions, Columns, Curriculum, Dimensions, CURRICULUM_CODE
  • Content Definitions, Columns, Curriculum, Dimensions, CURRICULUM_LEVEL_4
  • Content Definitions, Columns, Curriculum, Dimensions, CURRICULUM_LEVEL_5
  • Content Definitions, Columns, Curriculum, Dimensions, CURRICULUM_LEVEL_6

District Configuration

Added a third option for a Log Entries flag to get discipline data in Unified Insights

A new Log Entries flag, when enabled, will read the SIS Log Entries screen’s “Incident Type” as Behavior and “Consequence” as Action.

District Configuration

New Course Subject mapping options

Two new core course subject mapping options were added to the Academics district configuration to provide further analysis of courses:

  • Fine Arts
  • World Languages

District Configuration

Usability improvements

The District Configuration pages have been updated to improve usability.

  • On the Behavior tab, the Action Type and Behavior Type now display unique values instead of by year and by school.
  • Users can now save the settings with a single Save button.
  • Users are no longer required to map Scale Description; it was removed from the Academics configuration.

Essentials > Academics

Updated subtitle

On the Student Skill Progress dashboard, the subtitle of metric “Are students mastering our defined academic standards?” now reads, “A list of students and their level of mastery for all chosen standards.”

Risk Analysis

Multi-district support for Risk Analysis module users

Risk Analysis now supports multi-district customer deployments.

Risk Analysis

Updated column name

Column FORMATTED MEASURE VALUE on the Proximity to Cut Score dashboard was renamed to GRADUATION PROBABILITY.

Risk Analysis

Updated dashboard order

The Risk Analysis dashboard tabs have been reordered as follows:

  • Overview
  • School-wide Risk
  • Group Comparison
  • Proximity to Cut Scores
  • Students at Risk
  • Withdrawn Student Analysis

Risk Analysis

Updated sorting order on detail pages

Upon drill-through, detail pages are now sorted by PREVIOUS RISK LEVEL and NAME, respectively, for the following Graduation Probability dashboards:

  • Overview
  • Students at Risk

Student Profile

New Behavior Detail metric blocks

New metric blocks were added to the Behavior Detail dashboard:

  • Current Year Incidents
  • Current Year ISS
  • Current Year OSS
  • ISS # of Days
  • OSS # of Days

Resolved Issues

Product AreaSummaryRelease Note


Fixed issue with SIS course names ending with “AP.”

AP courses with a course name ending with “AP” were excluded from the AP dashboard when filtered from the SIS database. This has been corrected. SIS courses ending with AP, for example “Adv Calculus AP,” are now considered AP courses.


Fixed Cross Tab alignment issues

Corrected the alignment of rows and columns within Cross Tab metrics. Note that some alignment inconsistencies may arise when using a lower than recommended screen or monitor resolution.


Unable to create custom palette

Fixed an issue where users were unable to create new color palettes. Color palette information and its colors now appear in the Color Palette editor.

Developer Tools

Unable to update custom filter columns

Fixed an issue where users with the Client Developer role were unable to make modifications to custom filter columns.

District Configuration > Schools

Fixed school change count

Fixed an issue where the school change calculation for metric “How many students have changed schools?” on the Enrollment Overview dashboard included schools that were excluded from display in the District Configuration settings.


Addressed Add to Intervention error

The user encountered an error when trying to add more than 1,000 students to an intervention. Now, the Add to Intervention button is disabled and the user is warned they must select between 1 and 1,000 students.


Unable to access Intervention plans

Fixed an issue where users were unable to access plans on the Intervention Plans tab if a scheduled plan was saved without filling out the Dosage Schedule options. Now, users are required to enter at least one entry for the # of Weeks, Meetings per week, or Minutes per Meeting before saving is enabled for the intervention plan.

Utility Apps > Student Plans

Updated Assessments results list

When attempting to associate assessments to an intervention template, only the first 500 results were displayed, limiting the user to select from all available assessments. Now, the user can select from up to 5,000 assessments.

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