Release - June 2023
PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 6/3/2023.
New feature
Feature | Description |
Guided Walkthroughs | Unified Insights users can now view guided walkthroughs within the Unified Insights application. The walkthroughs introduce new features or help new users onboard to the application. Users have the option to review or dismiss the guide. In the future, PowerSchool will launch other types of in-app dialogs to improve the user experience, including banners and surveys. The dialogs help users receive important information and provide feedback. Dialogs will be used minimally to avoid distraction. |
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Application | Updated progress indicators | To improve visibility, the progress bar and processing icon have been updated throughout the application except for the following areas:
Classroom, Academic Progress, Grades | Updated sort order | The Date column on metric “How are grades trending in my classroom?” is now sorted in ascending order. |
Demographics | Updated state-specific query (MO) | The query logic for Missouri (MO) has been updated with EXIT_DATE for IEP and ELL fields.
Essentials, Academics | Added mandatory School filter | To improve the performance of metric “Are students mastering our defined academic standards?”, users must now select a mandatory School filter on the Student Standard Progress dashboard before the metric can render. |
Essentials, Academics, Core Subjects Summary | Updated sort order | The School Year column on the “How have ELA/math/science/Social Studies grades changed?” metrics is now sorted in ascending order. |
Essentials, Attendance | Optimized Y-axis | To better differentiate values across school years, metric “Is Student Attendance Improving Week Over Week?” on the Attendance Overview dashboard now has a dynamic Y-axis that displays minimum and maximum values based on available data. |
Essentials/Classroom, Academics | Updated metrics to remove Curriculum marks | Curriculum marks were removed from the following metrics. Essentials, Academics, Achievement:
Classroom, Academic Progress, Grades:
Classroom, My Students, Overview:
Essentials | Updated Attendance value categories | All Absence-related metrics and drills have been updated with the four levels of Attendance value categories for Essentials, Classroom, and Risk Analysis:
Student Profile, Academic Detail | Updated metric columns | The columns in metric “Student Academic Progress” have been updated as follows:
Utility Apps, District Configuration, Enrollment | New Student Status option | A new option "Withdrawn-Transferred" has been added to the Enrollment Student Status mapping to allow districts to separate accountable versus non-accountable withdrawn students. |
Resolved issues
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Application | Drill-through display appeared in original metric when navigating back | When a user drilled through a metric and then quickly navigated back to the original metric, at times the drill-through details rendered in the original metric. This issue has been corrected. |
Classroom, Assessments | Renamed dashboard | The “Grow, Maintain, Slide” dashboard has been renamed to “Gainers Stickers Sliders” with a sub-title of “Proficiency Gainers, Stickers, and Sliders.” |
Classroom, My Students | Updated filters | After drilldown on metric “% Chronic Absent,” the detail data included all students, not just the chronically absent. The filters have been updated to correct the issue. |
Essentials, Academics, Achievement | Metric timeout errors | To address timeout errors, metric "What is the distribution of grades for 2022-2023?" has been optimized to improve loading time. |
Essentials, Attendance | Incorrect legend item | Users will no longer see legend item “@Not Configured“ on the following Attendance metrics:
Essentials, Digital Learning, Staff Activity | Metric timeout errors | To address timeout errors, the following Staff Activity metrics were optimized to improve loading times:
Essentials, Digital Learning, Student Activity | Metric timeout errors | To address timeout errors, the following Student Activity metrics were optimized to improve loading times: