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Release - July 2023

PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 7/22/2023.


Product area


Release note


Updated grade mapping options available in District Configuration

An updated format of grade visibility (A, B, C, D, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pass, Incomplete, No Credit) has been applied to the following metrics:

  • Essentials, Performance Indicators: What grades are students receiving in core courses?

  • Essentials, Academics, Achievement: What is the distribution of grades for 2022-2023?

  • Essentials, Academics, Achievement: What is the distribution of grades over time?

  • Essentials, Academics, Achievement: What grades are students receiving in core courses?

  • Essentials, Academics, Core Subjects Summary: How are science grades distributed by grade level?

  • Essentials, Academics, Core Subjects Summary: How are math grades distributed by grade level?

  • Essentials, Academics, Core Subjects Summary: How are ELA grades distributed by grade level?

  • Essentials, Academics, Core Subjects Summary: How are Social Studies grades distributed by grade level?

  • Essentials, Academics, Teacher Analysis: What is the distribution of marks by teacher by period?

  • Essentials, Digital Learning, Student Outcomes: Does LMS Participation Affect Student's Grades?

  • Classroom, My Students, Overview: What are the distribution of grades in my courses?

  • Classroom, Academic Progress, Grades: What grades are students receiving in their courses?

  • Classroom, Digital Learning, Student Outcomes: Does LMS Participation Affect Student's Grades?

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Academics: What is the distribution of grades over time?

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Academics: What grades are students receiving in core courses?

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Academics: What is the distribution of grades for @@VARIABLE(CYTD)?

  • Profiles, Student Profile, Academic Detail: Student Academic Trends for Final Marks


Updated state-specific query (AL)

The query logic for Alabama (AL) has been updated for the Title I field as follows:

Table: S_AL_STU_Federal_TitleI_C (Student is flagged for 'Title I' services if they have records on this table)


Updated state-specific query (IL)



The query logic for Illinois (IL) for the following fields was updated to include historical data:

  • IEP: [S_IL_REN_X.IEP] = 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N'

  • ELL: [S_IL_REN_X.LEP] = 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N'

  • Migrant: [S_IL_REN_X.Migrant] = 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N'

  • 504: [S_IL_REN_Plan504_X RENPLAN.Participant] = 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N'

All other state-specific fields contain data for the current school year only.

District Configuration

Updated sort order

Districts are now sorted alphabetically under District Configuration for multi-district tenants.

Essentials, Academics

Updated sort order

The Semester column is now sorted in ascending order for metric “What is the distribution of grades over time?” on the Achievement dashboard.

Essentials, Attendance

Updated metric data

The Period Attendance metric on the Attendance Overview dashboard has been updated to display up to five years of data.



Updated sort order

The School Year legend is now sorted in ascending on the following metrics:

  • Essentials, Digital Learning, Student Activity: Is Student Logins Decreasing Week Over Week?

  • Classroom, Digital Learning, Student Activity: Is Student Logins Decreasing Week Over Week?

Essentials, Performance Indicators

Updated i-Ready data

The below metrics were updated to accommodate data for i-Ready tests:

  • Essentials, Overview, Performance Indicators: How are students performing on the ELA benchmark assessment?

  • Essentials, Overview, Performance Indicators: How are students performing on the Math benchmark assessment?


Risk Analysis

Absent Yesterday logic update to account for partial day absences

Updated Absent Yesterday query logic to account for partial day absences to match other absence metrics listed below:

  • Essentials, Overview, Performance Indicators: Absent Yesterday

  • Essentials, Attendance, Attendance Overview: Absent in Last 5 School Days

  • Essentials, Attendance: Absent Yesterday

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Attendance: Absent in Last 5 School Days

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Attendance: Absent Yesterday

Updated the previous 'FTBL_ATTENDANCE.ATTENDANCE_VALUE' = 0 in the where clause to be FTBL_ATTENDANCE.ATTENDANCE_VALUE < 1.


Risk Analysis

Updated attendance calculation

The attendance calculation was updated to improve accuracy for the following metrics:

  • Essentials, Attendance, Attendance Overview: Is Student Attendance Improving Week Over Week?

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Attendance: Is Student Attendance Improving Week Over Week?


Risk Analysis

Updated filters

The Incident Group and Incident Type filters were added to the following metrics:

  • Essentials, Behavior, Behavior Overview: How many students are having repeated incidents in the 2022-2023 School Year?

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Behavior: How many students are having repeated incidents in the 2022-2023 School year?

Student Plans

Data refresh feature

A new Refresh button on the Student Plan template allows admins to refresh the data for all plans associated with the template.

Student Readiness, Credits by Students

New Credits by Students dashboard

A Credits by Students dashboard was added to a new Student Readiness Credits section with the following new metrics:

  • What are the total credits earned by grade level for ELA?

  • What are the total credits earned by grade level for Math?

  • What are the total credits earned by grade level for Science?

  • What are the total credits earned by grade level for Social Studies?

Student Readiness, Graduation

New late graduate categories

Late graduate categories “5th Year High School Graduation,” “6th Year High School Graduation,” and “7+ Year High School Graduation” were added to the existing Student Readiness graduation groups based on the years in high school for the following metrics:

  • How has our overall graduation rate changed over time?

  • How much variance is there in overall graduation rate between schools?

  • What is our overall graduation rate by Student Group?

Student Readiness, Student Credit Progress

New metric location

The Student Credit Progress metric is now located on the Student Credit Progress dashboard in a new Credits section. The metric’s previously location was on the Credit dashboard under Graduation.

Resolved issues

Product area


Release note


Export dashboard issue

Corrected an issue where exporting dashboard metrics in .PNG format resulted in the report header, sub header, or title were missing.


Label display issue

Fixed third-level X-axis labels that previously displayed ellipses to now display as the rotated view for the label.


Load time issue

Metrics with large data sets took longer to load. To improve performance, the data is now correctly compressed on the server side before sending it to the client side.

Digital Learning, Student Outcomes

Timeout error

Addressed a timeout error on metric “Does LMS Participation Affect Student's Grades?' to improve performance.

Essentials, Assessments

Column display issue

To address an issue with overlapping columns, ACT metric “Subject ACT College Readiness” is now displayed with vertical bars instead of horizontal bars.

Essentials, Attendance

Corrected sort order

The school year is now correctly sorted in ascending order on metric “Is Student Attendance Improving Week Over Week?” on the Attendance Overview dashboard.

Essentials, Attendance

Incorrect attendance rate

The attendance rate for all students with at least one absence in the last five days is now displayed correctly after drill-through on metric “Absent in Last 5 School Days.”

Risk Analysis, Graduation Probability

Risk Level cards not showing

Fixed an issue where the Risk Standing cards did not display on the Overview dashboard.

Student Plans

Incorrect description value

Fixed the Checkbox Group element to use the description field with the label instead of the ID when editing or adding options in the Student Plans application.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.