Release - July 2023
PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 7/22/2023.
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Application | Updated grade mapping options available in District Configuration | An updated format of grade visibility (A, B, C, D, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pass, Incomplete, No Credit) has been applied to the following metrics:
Demographics | Updated state-specific query (AL) | The query logic for Alabama (AL) has been updated for the Title I field as follows: Table: S_AL_STU_Federal_TitleI_C (Student is flagged for 'Title I' services if they have records on this table) |
Demographics | Updated state-specific query (IL)
| The query logic for Illinois (IL) for the following fields was updated to include historical data:
All other state-specific fields contain data for the current school year only. |
District Configuration | Updated sort order | Districts are now sorted alphabetically under District Configuration for multi-district tenants. |
Essentials, Academics | Updated sort order | The Semester column is now sorted in ascending order for metric “What is the distribution of grades over time?” on the Achievement dashboard. |
Essentials, Attendance | Updated metric data | The Period Attendance metric on the Attendance Overview dashboard has been updated to display up to five years of data. |
Essentials Classroom | Updated sort order | The School Year legend is now sorted in ascending on the following metrics:
Essentials, Performance Indicators | Updated i-Ready data | The below metrics were updated to accommodate data for i-Ready tests:
Essentials Risk Analysis | Absent Yesterday logic update to account for partial day absences | Updated Absent Yesterday query logic to account for partial day absences to match other absence metrics listed below:
Updated the previous 'FTBL_ATTENDANCE.ATTENDANCE_VALUE' = 0 in the where clause to be FTBL_ATTENDANCE.ATTENDANCE_VALUE < 1. |
Essentials Risk Analysis | Updated attendance calculation | The attendance calculation was updated to improve accuracy for the following metrics:
Essential Risk Analysis | Updated filters | The Incident Group and Incident Type filters were added to the following metrics:
Student Plans | Data refresh feature | A new Refresh button on the Student Plan template allows admins to refresh the data for all plans associated with the template. |
Student Readiness, Credits by Students | New Credits by Students dashboard | A Credits by Students dashboard was added to a new Student Readiness Credits section with the following new metrics:
Student Readiness, Graduation | New late graduate categories | Late graduate categories “5th Year High School Graduation,” “6th Year High School Graduation,” and “7+ Year High School Graduation” were added to the existing Student Readiness graduation groups based on the years in high school for the following metrics:
Student Readiness, Student Credit Progress | New metric location | The Student Credit Progress metric is now located on the Student Credit Progress dashboard in a new Credits section. The metric’s previously location was on the Credit dashboard under Graduation. |
Resolved issues
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Application | Export dashboard issue | Corrected an issue where exporting dashboard metrics in .PNG format resulted in the report header, sub header, or title were missing. |
Application | Label display issue | Fixed third-level X-axis labels that previously displayed ellipses to now display as the rotated view for the label. |
Application | Load time issue | Metrics with large data sets took longer to load. To improve performance, the data is now correctly compressed on the server side before sending it to the client side. |
Digital Learning, Student Outcomes | Timeout error | Addressed a timeout error on metric “Does LMS Participation Affect Student's Grades?' to improve performance. |
Essentials, Assessments | Column display issue | To address an issue with overlapping columns, ACT metric “Subject ACT College Readiness” is now displayed with vertical bars instead of horizontal bars. |
Essentials, Attendance | Corrected sort order | The school year is now correctly sorted in ascending order on metric “Is Student Attendance Improving Week Over Week?” on the Attendance Overview dashboard. |
Essentials, Attendance | Incorrect attendance rate | The attendance rate for all students with at least one absence in the last five days is now displayed correctly after drill-through on metric “Absent in Last 5 School Days.” |
Risk Analysis, Graduation Probability | Risk Level cards not showing | Fixed an issue where the Risk Standing cards did not display on the Overview dashboard. |
Student Plans | Incorrect description value | Fixed the Checkbox Group element to use the description field with the label instead of the ID when editing or adding options in the Student Plans application. |