Release - October 2023
PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 10/21/2023.
New features
Feature | Description |
Interventions | An Interventions module is introduced in Unified Insights featuring two new dashboards. Intervention Overview The Intervention Overview dashboard offers a range of categorizations for logged interventions. It contains the following metrics:
Intervention List The Intervention List dashboard contains the following metrics:
Data Filters A new set of data filters is included in the Intervention dashboards to filter by intervention level, type, subtype, funding, and withdrawal reasons. The filters allow users to refine the dashboard metrics to gain specific intervention insights. Drill to Intervention List Users can right-click metric elements on the Intervention Overview dashboard and navigate to a detailed intervention list with a more granular view at the intervention level. Student Intervention List (Classroom) Within the Classroom module, metric “Student Intervention List” on the Interventions dashboard provides detailed information about a teacher’s student interventions. The list can be filtered by intervention level, type, and subtype. Note: The previous version of MTSS allowed you to complete interventions even if students were an in “Enroll” status. Although this bug has been rectified, if older interventions exist where the intervention was completed without marking every student as Complete/Withdrawn, you will see blank values against the students with “Enroll” Status in the Student Drill List. |
Student Datawall | A new Student Datawall dashboard has been added under Essentials, Students. The dashboard compiles student demographics, scores, attendance, and behavior records into navigable columns. The layout allows for data filtering and data export to Microsoft Excel for further analysis. The Student Datawall table allows prompt access to student information, enabling decision-making and tailored support approaches. Users can select students based on the filters applied or by selecting the appropriate checkboxes and add them to an intervention or group. Groups are managed similar to the Student List table. |
District Configuration | Added new District Configuration options for customer-defined Course Subject and Action Type mapping along with the pre-defined values in the combo-field:
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Application | New flag to use home language | Customers can now read the student’s home language as the student’s language instead of the primary language through the Unified Insights backend configuration. |
Application | Updated PDF export file | When exporting metric data to a PDF document, the title, subtitle, and page footer are now displayed in the exported file. |
Behavior | Updated Behavior mapping | Customers can now send incident data configured as ProblemBehavior within the SIS behavior log entry. Through Unified Insights, they can enable a back-end flag named “LogEntriesOption1_with_ProblemBehavior” to include the ProblemBehavior incident data in metrics. |
Classroom, Assessments | Updated metric labels and titles | "This Year" and "Last Year” labels on metric “Who gained, stuck, and slid between ELA testing years?” on the Gainers, Stickers, and Sliders dashboard were replaced with school year labels. In addition, metric titles and subtitles were updated to maintain consistency across Essentials and Classroom dashboards. |
Classroom, My Students | New benchmark metrics | The following metrics were added to the My Students Overview dashboard:
Demographics | Updated state-specific query (AL) | The state-specific query logic has been updated for Alabama (AL) under the AWS environment for the following fields:
Demographics | Updated state-specific query (VA) | The query logic for Virginia (VA) has been updated for the below fields for AWS and Azure environments:
Demographics | Updated state-specific query (VT) | The query logic for Vermont (VT) has been updated for the below fields with S_VT_REN_X table to pull the historical data for both Azure and AWS:
Developer Tools | Improved performance and navigation | To improve initial load time, the Developer Tools default page now displays the site’s About details rather than render a dashboard. In addition, the option to direct users to Developer Tools immediately after login has been removed. |
District Configuration | Custom data mappings | In addition to the predefined values, users can now add custom data mappings to the following District Configuration settings:
To add a mapping, enter the new value in the text-combo field. |
Demographics | State-specific food service flag | Customers can now extract a student's F&RL status data from a state-specific field if it is not available at PowerSchool SIS. |
Essentials, Academics | New date filter | A multi-select Grading Period filter was added to the following Academics dashboards and their respective detail pages:
Essentials, Academics | New metric column | The Course Subject column was added to the detail list for the following dashboards and metrics:
Essentials, Assessment | Selected school year in metric title | The selected year filter is now reflected in the title of subject analysis and distribution charts on the “Subject Analysis” and “Disproportionality" State dashboards. |
Essentials, Attendance | New School detail columns | On the Chronic Absences dashboard, columns “# of Students” and “% of Students” were added to the School detail list for the following metrics:
Essentials, Behavior | New data filter | Added a new Date Range data filter to the Incident Analysis dashboard. |
Essentials, Enrollment | Updated enrollment withdrawals base | The enrollment withdrawals base was updated for metric “How has our student withdrawals patterns changed year over year?” to consider withdrawals across a five-year span. |
Essentials Risk Analysis | Updated metric logic | The logic for metric “What is the change in action usage by year?” was updated on the following dashboards to include all Action types:
Essentials / Student Profile, Attendance | New and optimized metrics | The following metrics were added to the Student Profile Attendance Overview dashboard:
In addition, queries for the following metrics were optimized to increase performance:
Risk Analysis, Graduation Probability | Display Risk Standing cards | The Risk Standing cards are now displayed on the Students at Risk dashboard. |
Risk Analysis, Graduation Probability | Removed drill options | On the School-wide Risk dashboard, drill links were removed from all grade columns in metric “What is the average graduation probability for each grade and school?” |
Risk Analysis, Graduation Probability | Updated metric | Metric “What is the average graduation probability for each grade and school?” on the School-Wide Risk dashboard now displays annual grade level data instead of the current grade. |
Student Profile, Academic Detail | Updated Course logic | Some course names and course subjects no longer display as @err in metrics on the Academic Detail page. |
Student Profile, Behavior | Duplicate incident listings | Resolved an issue with duplicate incident listings in metric “Discipline Incident History“ on the Behavior Detail dashboard. |
Student Profile, Student Readiness Detail | New Student Readiness metric | A new metric named “What are the total credits earned across different Course Subjects?” was added to the Student Readiness Details page on the Student Profile dashboard. |
Student Readiness, Credits | Cumulative credit values | All metrics now display cumulative credit values on the Student Credit Progress dashboard. |
Student Readiness, Credits | New metrics for fine arts, world language, and other core courses | The following metrics were added to the Student Credit Progress dashboard:
Student Readiness, Credits | Updated detail pages | The Detail pages of all metrics on the Student Credit Progress dashboard have been updated as follows:
Student Readiness, Post Secondary | Updated sort order | The year is now sorted in ascending order for the following metrics on the College Graduation dashboard:
Usage | Added Risk Analysis run date | The Usage dashboard now displays the latest Risk Analysis prediction run date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Usage, Performance | Updated District Admin access and ETL run date | District administrators now have access to the Performance dashboard. In addition, the Usage dashboard now displays the latest dashboard refresh date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Resolved issues
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Application | Dashboard load time issue | The dashboard’s initial load time was improved with new display rules and query optimization. |
Application | Dashboard navigation issue | The code has been updated to address an issue where mismatched menu paths resulted in the dashboard navigation pane not displaying correctly. Now, the top-level menu appears with lower-level menus when a mid-level menu is not included. |
Application | Incorrect rendering of x-axis | Resolved an issue where the chart metric axis dividers were rendering incorrectly after zooming in and out of the metric. |
Application | Label rotation Issue | Fixed an issue where a cached width resulted in the rotation of labels for the Highcharts axis. |
Application | PDF download version does not match screen layout | When a user removed columns from an HTML table and then printed to PDF, the removed columns were included in the PDF. This issue was corrected, and the PDF now displays the current view of the HTML table. |
Application | Updated logo configuration options for the default login page | Login pages can now conditionally be sourced from an internal set of pages that are less exposed to the client, so PowerSchool can make updates without overriding customer settings. |
Application | Updated style template | The interactive Box Whisker style template was updated to ensure the border and body of the box and whiskers within the chart inherit the color palette from the subgroup to display the metric to match the subgroup legend. |
Application, Palettes | Color picker issue | Fixed an issue with the color selection slider in the Color Palette Chooser application. Users can now correctly update condition sets without entering HEX color codes. |
Application, Palettes | Color resets to white in Color Palette Chooser | Fixed an issue where adding a new color using the color picker resulted in the previous color being reset to white. |
District Configuration, Enrollment | Updated student status to include data from all school years | Updated the District Configuration, Enrollment, Student Status settings to display and update all school years, which previously only displayed current school year values. |
District Config, Schools | Updated sort order | School names are now sorted alphabetically on the Schools configuration page. |
Essentials, Academics | Updated sort order | The school year is now sorted in ascending order on the following Academics dashboards and metrics:
Essentials, Attendance | Incorrect student attendance data | Fixed a data warehouse ETL issue that caused incorrect student attendance data on the dashboards. |
Essentials, Attendance | Updated metric block | Metric block Year-to-date Attendance on the Attendance Overview dashboard now displays 100% when there is no data present, similar to the other attendance metric blocks. |
Essentials, Digital Learning | Updated sort order | On the Staff Activity dashboard, the school year is now sorted in ascending order for metric “Is Staff Logins Decreasing Week Over Week?” |
Essentials / Classroom, Attendance | Updated color coding | To maintain consistency, the color coding of Attendance-related Chronic metric blocks was updated across Essentials and Classroom. |
Essentials / Classroom, Digital Learning | Incorrect student activity data | Updated the query logic to resolve an issue with data not loading correctly in the Student Activity Data Wall dashboard. |
Essentials / Classroom, Digital Learning | Updated sort order | The “# OF LOGINS“ column is now sorted in ascending order on the following metrics:
Reporting, Attendance and Behavior | Incorrect grade level | The Attendance and Behavior power grid only displayed the current grade level. The metric now displays the correct student grade level. |
Risk Analysis, Proximity to Cut Score | Incorrect cutpoint proximity | The definition for the Cutpoint Proximity column was updated to fix incorrect data on metric “What are students proximity to the nearest graduation probability cutpoint?“ |
Student Profile | Dynamic y-axis | The y-axis of the following dashboard metrics is now dynamic:
Student Profile, Attendance Detail | Updated sort order | On the Attendance Detail dashboard, the YEAR and DATE columns are now sorted in descending order for metric “Period Absence History.” |
Student Readiness, Credits | Updated graduation cohorts | The Credit Progress dashboard now displays all active and enrolled students in the current graduation cohort as well as the prior two and upcoming three graduation cohorts. |
Usage | Additional user access | Other user roles, in addition to district administrators, can now access the Usage dashboards. |