Release - December 2023
PowerSchool Unified Insights version is available as of 12/2/2023.
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Enrollment, Enrollment Overview | Updated dimension definition | The description of the Mobility dimension definition in metric “How many students have changed schools?” on the Enrollment Overview dashboard was updated to “The number of times a student has changed schools during the past 365 days (past 12 months).” |
Essentials Classroom Risk Analysis Usage | Updated sort order | The school year is now sorted in ascending order in metrics for the following modules:
Interventions | Added drill functionality | On the Intervention List dashboard, users can now drill to the Intervention Detail page and then drill to students in the intervention. |
Interventions | Intervention outcome details | Columns “Withdraw Reasons” and “Completion Class” were added to the Intervention Detail metrics for students who withdrew from or are marked completed under an intervention. |
Interventions | Mandatory staff selection | The Staff field in an intervention must have at least one staff member specified and cannot be empty. The Delete button is disabled when only one staff member is specified. |
Interventions | New Student Interventions dashboard | A new Student Interventions dashboard displays student-related information about the interventions. The dashboard contains a list of all students who were ever part of an intervention in the district. All Intervention data filters apply to this dashboard as well. |
Interventions, Intervention Overview | New subheading | A subheading was added to metric “How many students are being served in each level of support?“ to explain why students may be displayed more than once if they are receiving multiple interventions for the same level of support. |
Resolved issues
Product area | Summary | Release note |
Essentials, Student Datawall | Updated student datawall | The Student Datawall metric now has subtitle “The Assessment scores below display the highest available scale score for the mentioned assessment and SY.” In addition, the Years in District column was removed from the display. |
Interventions | Date range issue | Fixed an issue where data range filters were not applied on the Intervention Overview and Intervention List dashboards. |
Utility Apps, District Configuration | District configuration not saving values | Fixed an issue in the district configuration where invalid domain decodes displayed the invalid value instead of “Not Mapped.” |
Utility Apps, District Configuration | Missing student status values | Student status decode values are now pulled from both the annual student status domain and the student status domain, instead of just the student status domain. |