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Release - January 2025

PowerSchool Analytics & Insights version is available as of 1/25/2025.

Application | Enhancements

Product area


Release note


Updated Power BI report integration to support for SSAS-based data sources/data marts

Updated the Power BI integration with a new property called Identity User, which can be set at the PowerBI Report Service, the PowerBI Report, and the PowerBI Listing Object levels.  This new property allows users to override the default authentication option, set at the Report Service level, to select which field is passed for authentication to support SSAS-based reports.

The supported authentication options are:

  • Default

  • None

  • Username

  • Email

  • UsernameReplaceSlashWithTilde

Existing functional reports will be set to the default option and do not require any updates.

MTSS Interventions

Improved file download

The file download feature has been updated to make it safer and more user-friendly:

  • System message, “No Scan Completed,” indicates that files can be downloaded without any interruptions.

  • System message, “This file has been scanned and found to be malicious. Hence, you cannot download this file,” indicates a threat was detected, and the file is unsafe. Downloads for these files are blocked, and quarantine details are displayed when the user first clicks the file.

  • .zip files are no longer supported for downloads to enhance security.

Student Plans

Updated Student Plan district selection filter functionality for multi-district customers

Previously, when a template was edited by someone without access to all districts, the previously selected districts were dropped from the selection since the user didn’t have access. This created an issue since there was no way to add those districts back if the user unselected the “All districts” checkbox.

The new behavior for the District filter is as follows:

  • Checkboxes have been added to allow specific districts to be selected.

  • Template editors without permission to all districts will only be able to select districts they have access to; districts they don't have access to are displayed but the checkboxes are disabled.

  • Template editors are able to select the “Available districts” filter checkbox, which will assign or unassign each district individually.

  • The “Allow All Districts” checkbox makes the Student Plan template available to all districts for multi-district customers.

Application | Resolved issues

Product area


Release note


Enhanced SSO configuration handling

We improved the deployment process to ensure the Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration is automatically restored to the original settings after a failed upgrade. This update prevents invalid SAML metadata from being published, ensuring seamless and secure SSO functionality during and after deployments.

Improvement Plans (CIP)

Updated permissions to allow special characters in Improvement Plans (CIP)

Addressed an issue that did not allow special characters to be included within improvement plans. Users can now add special characters to inputs within the Improvement Plans application.

Manage Groups

Updated Manage Groups/Student Groups application visibility selection

Fixed an issue with student groups created from an actions dropdown versus the Manage Groups applications caused by a difference in the “owner” attribute to be all caps and not correctly displaying a change to the visibility for public versus private.

Manage Groups

Fixed issue with Student Groups not removing deleted students

Corrected the logic to address an issue with KM_STUDENT_GROUPS not filtering out deleted students from DTBL_STUDENTS to remove them.

MTSS Interventions

Bulk operations performance issue

Resolved an issue causing slow response times and application sluggishness during bulk operations in the Attendance, Behavior, and Goals tabs for large groups of students. The fix addresses memory leakage, ensuring smoother performance and improved responsiveness across the application.

MTSS Interventions

Compare Students performance issue

Fixed an issue on the Compare Students page where slow response times and application sluggishness occurred when comparing student data. This was caused by memory leakage, which has now been addressed to ensure faster load times and smoother performance across the application.

MTSS Interventions

Intervention date adjustment issue

Corrected an issue where users couldn’t change the end date of an intervention without first adjusting the start date, leading to unnecessary error messages.

MTSS Interventions

Notes loading issue

Resolved an issue that caused intervention notes in MTSS to load very slowly or display a "Page Unresponsive" error. Intervention notes now load quickly.

MTSS Interventions

Restored "Start New Intervention" button

Fixed an issue where the "Start New Intervention" button was missing for teachers under the All Interventions tab. The button now displays correctly and directs teachers to the Intervention Bank as before.

MTSS Interventions

Refresh score issue

Corrected an issue where users couldn’t update the refresh score in MTSS interventions. Users can now refresh scores seamlessly without any problems.

MTSS Student Plans

Assessment data domain refresh error

Corrected an issue with the assessment data domain refresh that was causing error message, "There was an error while trying to refresh plan data: Unknow error."  This issue has been fixed, allowing users to successfully refresh assessment data domains.

MTSS Student Plans

Student Plan updates not loading correctly

Corrected an issue where updated student plan details did not load correctly unless the user navigated away first.  The plan details now correctly load after editing the plan.

MTSS Student Plans

Updated School Year display

Updated all Student Plans data domain School Year fields to display consistently using the YYYY-YYYY format.

Dashboard content | Enhancements

Product area


Release note


Updated attendance metrics

Metrics “Chronic Absenteeism” and “Year-to-date Attendance” now include current and last year percentages with a green or red arrow (up or down) based on the increase or decrease of the attendance rate.

In addition, the metric now have the following subtitles: “Analyzing Chronic Absent Trends in Comparison to Last Year (YTD)” and “Analyzing Year-to-Date Attendance Trends in Comparison to Last Year (YTD).“

The metric updates appear on the following dashboards:

  • Essentials, Overview, Performance Indicators

  • Essentials, Attendance, Attendance Overview

  • Risk Analysis, Trends, Attendance

Behavior Support Analytics

New Behavior Support metric

A new metric called, “Positivity ratio of school week over week,” has been added to the Student Analytics, Behavior Support, Positivity dashboard.

Behavior Support Analytics

Updated Behavior Support Analytics filter

Behavior Support Analytics filter “Behavior Tone” has been renamed to “Behavior Type.”


Updated state-specific query (CA)

California (CA) state-specific queries have been updated to pull ESL classification data from the [S_CA_STU_X].ELAStatus table. Any null values will be replaced with '--' to ensure data consistency.


Updated state-specific query (CO)

The ELL classification logic for Colorado (CO) state-specific queries has been updated to remove “4” from the criteria:

[S_CO_STU_X]LanguageProficiency (Y/N, Y - 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and else - N)


Updated state-specific query (IN)

The logic for the ELL field in the Indiana (IN) state-specific queries has been updated as follows to include additional values such as “ALT PL1,” “ALT PL2,” “ALT PL3,” “ALT PL4,” and “ALT PL5”:

WHEN TRY_PARSE(stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level as int) >= 1 AND
TRY_PARSE(stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level as int) < 5 THEN 'Y'
WHEN TRY_PARSE(stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level as int) = 8 THEN 'Y'
WHEN stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'A1' OR
stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'A2' OR stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'A3' OR
stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'A5' OR stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'P1' OR
stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'P2' OR stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'P3' OR
stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'ALT PL1' OR stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'ALT PL2' OR
stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'ALT PL3' OR stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'ALT PL4' OR
stuX.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level = 'ALT PL5' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N'


Updated state-specific query (ME)

The logic for Maine (ME) State-specific queries has been updated to retrieve and display Free and Reduced Lunch status based on student eligibility:

[S_ME_STU_X]SchoolLunchEligCode (If F, R then Y else N)


Updated state-specific query (MO)

The logic for pulling data for the Primary Language and Home Language fields for the Ritenour School District (MO) has been updated as follows:

  • For home language:
    [U_ELL].Primary_Language (We will pull the language as it is, and if null, we will default to 'English')

  • For primary language:
    [S_MO_STU_X].PrimarySpokenLanguage (We will pull the language as it is, and if null, we will default to 'ENG')


Updated state-specific query (NJ)

The logic for displaying Home Language data in Newark (New Jersey) state-specific queries has been updated as follows:

The Home Language will be retrieved from the [S_NJ_STU_X].Home_Language field. If no Home Language is specified, it will be displayed as "--".

Enrollment Analytics, Enrollment

Duplicate Ethnicity column

A second Ethnicity column was removed from the following metric detail pages:

  • Enrollment, Enrollment Overview, “How has our student diversity changed year over year?"

  • Enrollment, Enrollment Overview, “How many students are currently in each school?”

  • Enrollment, Enrollment Overview, “What grades are being served by programs?”


Discrepancy in enrollment count

Fixed an issue where the enrollment count displayed in the metric differed from the drill-down view. The drill now correctly reflects the latest withdrawal status based on the withdrawal date, ensuring accurate and consistent data.

Student Profile, Academic Detail

Renamed Academic Detail metric

The metric "Student Academic Trends for Final Marks" on the Academic Detail dashboard has been renamed to "Student Academic Trends for Final and Progress Marks" to clarify that the metric includes both final and progress marks.

Usage, Tenant Configuration

Enhanced visibility of GPA calculation methods for AWS tenants

A new feature was added to display GPA calculation methods and priorities for AWS tenants in the Tenant Configuration section. This enhancement provides clear insights into how GPA is calculated for each tenant, making it easier to manage and understand configurations.

Dashboard content | Resolved issues

Product area


Release note

AIS Analytics

Updated the filters on the Communication sub-dashboard

Corrected the filters applied to the Communication sub-dashboard based on the metric “Students in Attendance Tiers,” using the FTBL_KINVOLVED_ATTENDANCE_TIER table for filtering, while metrics “Messages per student” and “Reply Rate” use the FTBL_KINVOLVED_COMMUNICATION table.


Corrected Student View column query for multi-select filters

Fixed an issue impacting student demographic where multi-select filters, such as Ethnicity and Gender, would not correctly display all groups of students but only display the first group. 


Student Group filter issue

Resolved an issue where the Student Group filter was not functioning on the Student Analytics/Classroom “Proficiency Gainers, Stickers, and Sliders” dashboards. All filters, including program and student-related filters, now apply correctly across the dashboards, ensuring accurate data representation.


Optimized Attendance extract query

We have optimized the Attendance extract SQL query to enhance performance and prevent ETL timeout issues. This update resolves failures reported for specific districts and ensures smoother data processing for attendance extraction.

Behavior Support Analytics

Updated behavior type

A NULL behavior type now displays as “Other” in the Behavior Type filter and all applicable metrics.

Behavior Support Analytics

Corrected drill-through details to display student counts

Fixed an issue with the “What is the change in referral behavior by year?” metric drill-through template to display the count of unique students with total positive behavior/referral.

Classroom, Student List

Student search error

Fixed an issue where searching by last name in the Classroom, Students, Student List section caused errors due to a missing table join. The Student Search functionality now works seamlessly across all filters, including First Name, Last Name, and other criteria. This fix has been validated in both Azure and AWS tenants to ensure consistent performance.

Student Plan Analytics

Updated School Year filter

Updated the School Year filter for Student Plan Analytics metrics to be reactive and allow for multi-select options.

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