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Release - June 2024

PowerSchool Analytics & Insights version is available as of 6/30/2024.

Application | New features



PowerSchool rebranding of Unified Insights product to now be known as Analytics & Insights

Users will see the product renamed to Analytics & Insights.

Renaming of Dashboards modules:

  • Renamed Dashboard, Essentials to Student Analytics

  • Renamed Dashboard, Student Readiness to Student Readiness Analytics

MTSS Interventions: Print individual student intervention report cards

Users can now print report cards for individual students within MTSS Interventions. The new feature allows teachers and school staff to easily obtain a comprehensive snapshot of a student’s intervention.

To print a student report card for an intervention:

  1. On the Student Overview page, select Print report from the student card menu.

  2. Choose one or more goals to print.

    • Goals are listed by creation date and time.

    • You must select at least one goal.

  3. Click Print preview.

The intervention report card contains the following sections:

  • Header (district name)

  • Student (demographic information)

  • Intervention (status and details)

  • Student progress

  • Goals (detailed information with charts)

  • Meeting details (attendance, observations, target, and score)

  • Intervention notes (staff name, date and time, and note text)

Behavior Support Analytics

Student Analytics and Classroom now include a Behavior Support Analytics module. The module integrates SIS and Behavior Support data to provide powerful Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) insights, empowering administrators and teachers to make data-driven decisions, promote positive behavior, and foster a supportive learning environment for all students.

Behavior Support Analytics is available to customers who have both SIS and Behavior Support modules in the Analytics & Insights platform.

Feature highlights

  1. District- and school-level PBIS insights: Administrators and teachers can now access PBIS insights at both the school and district level, providing a comprehensive view of behavior trends across the entire district.

  2. Demographic analysis: Detailed insights into PBIS data across various student demographics such as race, gender, and program participation, to help identify and address disproportionality issues with greater precision.

  3. Long-term trend analysis: Analyze PBIS interaction trends spanning five years, including the current year and the previous four years. This long-term view offers valuable insights into behavior patterns and supports proactive intervention strategies.

  4. Assign PBIS-based student groups to MTSS interventions: Create and share student groups based on PBIS data for use within the MTSS application, streamlining the intervention decision-making process.

Module navigation

  • Administrators: Navigate to Analytics & Insights, Dashboards, Student Analytics, Behavior Support.

  • Teachers: Navigate to Analytics & Insights, Dashboards, Classroom, My Behavior Support.

Application | Enhancements

Product area


Release note

MTSS - Interventions

Skeleton loading for listing pages

The Interventions application now has skeleton loading screens to all listing pages. This enhancement improves the user experience by displaying placeholder animations while content loads, ensuring a smoother and more visually appealing transition.

MTSS - Interventions

Enhanced Interventions goal target visibility

Users can now view goal target values directly on the student overview card. When a goal is changed, the respective target value automatically updates on the Student Overview page, providing better visibility and tracking of student progress.

MTSS - Interventions

Hover highlight in intervention list

Users now see a gray highlight when hovering over an intervention in the intervention list, making it easier to review and navigate interventions.

MTSS - Interventions

Improved navigation across intervention meeting dates

Two arrow buttons were added on either side of the meeting dates in the Intervention overview page. Selecting the right arrow moves the user to the immediate next intervention date, while clicking the left arrow takes them to the immediate previous meeting date.

MTSS - Interventions

Updated student sort order on intervention pages

Students in interventions are now sorted by their current status instead of their name. Enrolled students are listed first, followed by withdrawn and completed students. This helps prioritize active students for easier management. Users still have the option to sort students alphabetically on the Student Overview page.

MTSS - Interventions

Updated MTSS Interventions to fetch latest assessment scores

When users fetch assessment scores using the Retrieve Data feature, they now have additional score type options. Previously, users could only fetch the maximum score for a student in a given year. With this update, users can also fetch the latest score for that year. All previously stored values will be marked as "(Max)" for any data that was saved under Assessment Retrieve Data.

MTSS - Interventions

Updated MTSS Interventions for Completed and Withdrawn students to be grayed out and tagged as Moved

The Student Overview, Attendance, Observation, and Goals pages have been updated for students with a Completed or Withdrawn status to include the following changes:

  • Gray out the names of students who have transitioned to another intervention.

  • Change the tag for grayed-out students to Moved.

  • If a student's status changes from Completed or Withdrawn back to Enrolled, the application removes the gray-out effect and updates the tag to Enrolled.

MTSS - Student Plans

Upgraded Student Plans to Angular 13 version to address inconsistent table filter icon display

Updated Student Plans to the newer Angular 13 version to standardize table filter buttons. The buttons now appear next to the filter text boxes instead of a hamburger menu next to the column header text.

Application | Resolved issues

Product area


Release note


Corrected color coding for NULL values to not appear white by default

Fixed an issue with NULL values being ignored for condition sets and appearing as white or clear based on zero values not being assigned to those NULL values.  This has been corrected and NULL values now match as zero values.


Fixed issue with Crosstab tooltips not displaying correctly

Fixed an issue with tooltips not working within the Crosstab chart type to now display correctly based on proper formatting.

Student Analytics

Fixed HTML column filter layout for consistent display

Updated the HTML table filter icon to be displayed consistently to the right of the filter search bar based on the chart settings configuration having the “Show Filter Row” selected.

MTSS - Interventions

Interventions “Refresh Score” updated scores for withdrawn and completed students

When MTSS Interventions users clicked "Refresh Score" for any intervention goal, the data was refreshing for withdrawn students or students who completed the intervention. This issue was corrected to only update active participants' data.

MTSS - Interventions

MTSS intervention notes not displaying accurate timestamp

Fixed an issue where users were not seeing the correct date and time when they added a note to an intervention. Now, the note creation timestamp accurately reflects the user’s local date and time.

MTSS - Student Plans

Student Plan templates for multi-district customers were seen across all districts

Corrected an issue with MTSS Student Plans for multi-district customers with templates assigned to a subset of districts were being seen at all districts.  This issue has been corrected so only the selected districts see the assigned templates.

MTSS - Student Plans

Deleted student plans not removed from metrics in dashboard

Fixed an issue for deleted student plans to respect the SYS_DELETE_IND flag and no longer display in the application.

MTSS - Student Plans

Student plans Bulk Edit options not working

Corrected an issue with student plans Bulk Edit functionality so users can delete multiple student plans and update the start and end dates for multiple student plans at the same time.

Dashboard content | Enhancements

Product area


Release note

Student Analytics

Updated Grade View filter to return dashboard use

Updated the "Grade View" filter to make the dashboards function similarly to how they did prior to its introduction in by removing the active student dependency condition. We renamed the filter as indicated below to ensure the correct interpretation:

  • Renamed “Currently Enrolled“ to “Current Grade“

  • Renamed “Grade Annualized“ as “Annualized Grade“

  • Defaulted to “Annualized Grade“

This filter is hidden but can be exposed if desired with a customization.

Student Analytics

Updated the Program filter to support more efficient customizations

Updated the Program filter to support multi-selection by changing @@PROMPT calls to use the IN operator to simplify customization for clients.


Updated the Utah (UT) state-specific demographic logic to ensure "American Indian" displays correctly on dashboards

Updated the Utah state-specific logic to ensure that selecting "American Indian" and any tribal affiliation in the SIS displays as "American Indian" instead of "Multi" in Analytics and Insights, ignoring races under Tribal Affiliation.

Risk Analysis

Updated query logic for Risk Analysis default intervals based on available assessments

Fixed the default state and interim assessment cut score generation to only build out cut scores for the years clients have assessment data for.

MTSS - Intervention Analytics

Added Interventions by Race metric

Added a new metric to the Intervention Overview dashboard called "Interventions by Race" to display the percentage of students in each intervention type based on their race. Users can drill through from the Intervention List and Student Intervention List, which now includes an Ethnicity column for more detailed insights.

MTSS - Intervention Analytics

Added new MTSS Interventions "Goal Datawall" dashboard

Added a new tab called “Goal Datawall” under Interventions, Classroom, and Student Profile. The datawall table collates all the data entered in the goals section along with recorded attendance, observations, and other relevant information from the intervention, such as plan name, students, meeting dates, attendance, observations, goal name, goal target, and goal score. By default, the metric will show data from the last two weeks to manage the large dataset. Users can apply various filters to narrow down the data and export or download as needed.

MTSS - Intervention Analytics

Intervention drills enhancement

Added three new columns to the Intervention Drill and Student Intervention Drill sections:

  • IS_STATE_LEVEL: Signifies if the intervention's level is at the state level

  • IS_STATE_TYPE: Identifies if the intervention's type is at the state level

  • IS_STATE_PLAN: Indicates whether the intervention's plan falls under the state level

MTSS - Intervention Analytics

Intervention types vs. outcome

Under the Intervention Effectiveness tab, users can review a vertical bar graph showcasing the completion class count for each intervention type. This metric provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of different intervention strategies. Navigate to the designated section to access this informative graph and gain a deeper understanding of intervention outcomes.

MTSS - Intervention Analytics

New Intervention Effectiveness dashboard

Added a new dashboard called "Intervention Effectiveness“ and moved the following two metrics from the Intervention Overview page to the new dashboard:

  • How successful are our interventions?

  • How many interventions have staff administered?

Additionally, both metrics were upgraded to include information from completed students in any active intervention, not just completed interventions.

MTSS - Intervention Analytics

New grade-based intervention metric named "Percentage of students enrolled in active interventions by grade"

Added a pie chart metric called "Percentage of students enrolled in active interventions by grade" to the Intervention Overview tab. The chart depicts the distribution of students across different grade levels in active interventions. It provides users with clear grade legends and hover-over details, facilitating student participation tracking.

Dashboard content | Resolved issues

Product area


Release note


Enhanced Content Sanitization Service to address possible cross-side scripting (XSS) attacks from Dev Tools users

Enhanced the current Content Sanitization Services (under Dev Tools, Administration, Services) to minimize possible exposure for cross-side scripting (XSS) from Dev Tools users with updated security options:

  • None

  • HTML Default

  • HTML Default with iframes

  • HTML Default with css Style Rules

  • HTML Default with css Style Rules and iframes

If a customer has customized HTML with scripting enabled, they may require a security adjustment in their settings to re-enable custom CSS and/or iframes to work with the release.


Updated Usage dashboard queries for multi-district customers

The Usage dashboard query performance was improved to address timeout issues for large-scale, multi-district customers.

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