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Release - September 2024

PowerSchool Analytics & Insights version is available as of 9/1/2024.

Application | New features



MTSS Interventions: Reactivate a completed MTSS intervention

This feature allows users to reactivate a completed intervention. After an intervention is marked as complete, a Reactivate button will be available to any user with access to the intervention.

MTSS Student Plan Analytics: Filter by Student Plan type

A new Student Plan filter has been added to Student Plan-related dashboards to filter by Plan Type. The filter allows users to refine the dashboard metrics to gain specific intervention insights.

MTSS Student Plans: Hide previous year templates

Student Plans templates can now be hidden from users based on a new Active/Inactive field that hides Inactive templates. Existing student plans based on an inactive template can still be edited and accessed. Inactive plan templates are not available to create a new student plan.

MTSS Student Plans: New "Current District - School" column

Added the "Current District - School" column to the MTSS Student Plans displayed as "DistrictID - School_Name" to enhance filtering by school within the Student Plans application.

Continuous Improvement Plans (CIP): Hide inactive CIP templates from users

Continuous Improvement Plans (CIP) templates can now be hidden from users based on a new Active/Inactive field that hides inactive templates.

Behavior Support: New Behavior Support dashboards (beta)


Behavior Support Analytics beta customers now have access to the following new dashboards.

Student Analytics, Behavior Support:

  • Overview

  • Analysis

  • Ethnicity Analysis

  • Positivity

Classroom, My Behavior Support:

  • Overview

Application | Enhancements

Product area


Release note

MTSS Interventions

Allow only active students to be added to MTSS interventions

Added validation to the student search field to ensure that only active students are displayed, preventing users from adding inactive students.

MTSS Student Plans

Added Grading Period to Academics form component

Enhanced the Student Plans Academics form component to include the Grading Period column to the available data domain.

MTSS Student Plans

Fixed duplicate test scores issue in Assessment form component

Corrected an issue with student plans displaying duplicate test scores. The application now only displays distinct test scores in the Assessment form component.

Application | Resolved issues

Product area


Release note


Fixed issue with Blank/Not Blank filtering option on metric table columns with number data

Corrected an issue where HTML table columns with Blank/Not Blank filtering option didn’t function correctly with numeric data. Users can now filter between values that have numbers versus empty or null values.

Continuous Improvement Plans (CIP)

Updated messaging for the number of districts the user has access to

Updated CIP default messaging to inform the end user the number of districts they have access to from "0/X" phrasing to "You don't have permission to view X assigned district(s)."

Student Analytics

Fixed heatmap style template drill-through functionality

Corrected an issue with the heatmap style template drill-through functionality for all metrics. The issue was found with Core Subject Summary Pass Rates and was fixed for all heatmap metrics.

Dashboard content | Enhancements

Product area


Release note


Updated Gainers Stickers Sliders metric logic

The logic for the Classroom's Gainers Stickers Sliders metric has been updated to match the Enrollment metrics, ensuring correct data population.


Updated state-specific query (AZ)

The Arizona (AZ) state-specific logic for field 504 students has been updated as follows:
     {noformat}[s_az_stu_studentneed_c] Needcode - if '504' then Y else N{noformat}


Updated state-specific query (VA)

The Virginia (VA) state-specific field for Home Language has been updated as follows:
     {noformat}[S_VA_STU_X] home_language_code{noformat}


Fixed extra spaces converting to 'Â' in Standards

Resolved an issue where extra spaces in Standards were converted to the 'Â' character in the Curriculum code on the Extract side.


Optimized DW ETL scripts to improve loading data to staging tables

Optimized the DW ETL scripts to better handle final inserts prior to loading data to the staging table, with improved support for handling rejects and duplicates.

Student Analytics

Graduation dates adjusted to the exit date

Graduation dates are now adjusted to the exit date instead of the entry date for students re-enrolled in a graduation school, ensuring accurate records.

Student Analytics

Removed SYS delete records

Users will no longer see SYS delete records in the UI, as all metric bases have been updated to exclude the SYS_DELETE_IND ='N' condition.

Student Analytics

Updated sort order Term field

The Term field is now sorted in ascending order for all relevant metrics in the Student Analytics dashboard to enhance data organization and user experience.

Student Analytics

Removed Limit by Value feature

The Limit by Value feature has been removed from all Student Analytics metrics to improve data interpretation and user experience.

Student Analytics

Support multiple lead teachers per section in Schoology

Analytics & Insights now supports multiple lead teachers per section in Schoology, with extract changes implemented to accommodate this.

Student Analytics

Updated Grade View filter to restore previous dashboard functionality

Updated the Grade View filter to make dashboards function similar to before its introduction in version  This filter is hidden but can be exposed if desired with a customization. Additionally, the active student dependency condition was removed and the filters renamed as follows to ensure the correct interpretation:

  • Renamed "Currently Enrolled" to "Current Grade"

  • Renamed "Grade Annualized" to "Annualized Grade"

  • Set the default to "Annualized Grade"

Student Analytics, Academics

Improved grading scale sorting to descending order

The grading scale sorting to descending order across Student Analytics and Classroom Academic metrics has now been standardized for Analytics & Insights.

Student Analytics, Behavior

Standardized color coding in Behavior dashboards

Standardized the color coding for "Suspension - In School" (blue) and "Suspension - Out of School" (orange) across Behavior dashboards.

Student Analytics, Enrollment


Updated metric subtitles in the Enrollment dashboard

Updated the following metric subtitles in the Enrollment dashboard:

  • Metric "What grades are being served by programs?" metric now has subtitle "The number of student services shown by the students' current grade."

  • Metric "How many students have changed schools?” now has subtitle "Students grouped by the number of school changes."

Student Analytics, School Profile

Updated School Profile legend sort order

Updated the legend ordering in School Profile metric "What is going on during busy referral months?" to sort by MONTH_OF_YEAR.

Student Analytics, Student Profile

Rearranged Student Profile tabs

The Student Plans and Student Plan Details tabs have been reordered in the Student Profile to display the Student Plan tab next to the Student Plan Details tab for improved organization.

Student Readiness Analytics

Updated Student Credit Progress legend sorting

Updated the numerical legends in all Student Readiness Analytics, Student Credit Progress metrics to sort in logical order.

Dashboard content | Resolved issues

Product area


Release note

Risk Analysis

Updated Risk Analysis filters

Corrected filter order and configuration issues on the Risk Analysis page, aligned filters with Student Analytics, and removed a duplicate District filter.

Risk Analysis

Updated Risk Analysis Integrated PD link

Renamed the PD overview link within Risk Analysis Integrated PD to "Analytics & Insights Risk Analysis Overview."


Adjusted "Most Frequently Used Dashboards" metric to ensure accuracy

Updated the "Most Frequently Used Dashboards" metric to accurately display the top 20 results per district rather than a global top 20 across all districts.


Renamed Usage dashboard metric

Renamed metric "Most Frequently Used Dashboards" to "Top 20 Most Frequently Used Dashboards Over the Past 30 Days" for clarity and accuracy.


Resolved rendering issue and optimized query performance

Resolved a rendering issue and optimized query performance for metric "Dashboard Usage: Last Year," including adjustments to the dimension column ordering of the metric base to improve performance.


Updated Usage dashboard metric legends for clarity and accuracy

Updated legends for clarity and accuracy, including improved descriptions and corrected average calculations, for metrics "Dashboard Views in the Last 60 Days" and "User Logins in the Last 60 Days.”

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