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Student Overview

Attendance Information

% Chronic Absent

TypeColumn Label / Definition

% Attendance

Total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance.

Last 5 Days Attendance

TypeColumn Label / Definition

% Attendance

Total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance.

Last 30 Days Attendance

TypeColumn Label / Definition

% Attendance

Total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance.

Year-to-date Attendance

TypeColumn Label / Definition

% Attendance

Total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance.


TypeColumn Label / Definition

# Offenses

The number of discipline incidences entered into the system.


TypeColumn Label / Definition

# Offenses

The number of discipline incidences entered into the system.

How are absences in my classes?

This metric provides a view of the number of absences per section or class.  The information is aggregated into final grading periods for display purposes.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The course and the period it is taking place in.



The term number for the related school (1, 2, 3, etc.). Note that dates outside the defined term are set to Term of 0.


# Period Absences

Do I have students close to being chronically absent?

This metric allows you to quickly gather the names of students in various stages of attendance concerns. Click any bar to display a list of students in the attendance category as of the end of the day yesterday. The absence category classification utilizes the student’s attendance percentage for the school year to date. There are no restrictions regarding the number of days enrolled; all actively enrolled students are included in the metric, regardless of the length of time they have been at the school or district. 

  • No Absence Issues: includes students with 100% to greater than 95% attendance.
  • Trending Chronic: includes students with 95% to greater than 92.5% attendance.
  • Nearly Chronic: includes students with 92.5% to greater than 90% attendance.
  • Chronically Absent: includes students with less than 90% attendance.
TypeColumn Label / Definition

Chronic Level


% of Students

Essential Information

How are students performing on the ELA benchmark assessment?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.

DimensionTest Result

DimensionTest Group


The number of individual data elements included.

How are students performing on the Math benchmark assessment?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.

DimensionTest Result

DimensionTest Group


The number of individual data elements included.

What are the demographics in my classroom?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


Female, Male, or X (Gender not exclusively Male or Female).



The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

What are the most common referrals for my students?

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Offense Group

The offense group values according to the local district grouping rules.  This requires that the detailed offense codes are mapped into district groups in the SMS or in the DISCIPLINE_OFFENSE_GROUPS domain.


# Offenses

The number of discipline incidences entered into the system.

Which students are in special programs in my classes?

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Program Name

The descriptive names for the programs as defined in the student information system. Title I Reading, Alternative Lottery, ESL Pullout, etc.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

Academic Information

What are the distribution of grades in my courses?

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Course Name

The full name for the course - this is the primary course name to be used in most reports, analyses, and filters.  In state/multi-district deployments this is often conformed to the State or NCES Course Description.


Current Cumulative GPA

The student's cumulative GPA calculated and frozen from the previous school year.  This is the unweighted GPA.



Short name for the performance group:  A, B, C, NI, XL, P..  Full marks will be shortened - A, A+ or AH will all be represented here as A based upon Effort definitions in the Domains table. Student mark categories include A, B, C, D, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pass, Incomplete, and No Credit.



The term number for the related school (1, 2, 3, etc.). Note that dates outside the defined term are set to Term of 0.


Marks Count

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