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User access

Unified Insights grants access according to your user access role and permissions. Within the application, available menu options and data reflect your level of user access.

By default, Teacher access roles in PowerSchool SIS grant a teacher access to all students they currently teach. You do not need to set any of the following permission options for any Teacher access roles.

The permissions for each role in Unified Insights match the permissions set up in PowerSchool SIS:

  • District Admin - Access to Developer Tools and Student Analytics, including all drill-downs for the district.
  • School Admin - Access to Student Analytics, including all drill-downs for the school.
    • Primary School Admin - Access to Student Analytics, including all drill-downs for the primary schools, with the following exceptions:
      • Final marks
      • Assessment data that correlates to the in-scope grade levels

    • Secondary School Admin - Access to Student Analytics, including all drill-downs for the secondary schools, with the following exceptions:

      • Curriculum data.

      • Assessment data that correlates to the in-scope grade levels

    • School Admin (No drillthrough) - Allows dashboard access without access to student-level drill-through data.
  • Limited Essentials - Access to Student Analytics, with the following exceptions:

    • F&R data

    • Behavior data

  • Custom Roles
    • Custom Role 1 - Custom role to support specific access needs within Unified Insights.
    • Custom Role 2 - Custom role to support specific access needs within Unified Insights.

PowerSchool SIS administrators can add new role access to an existing user role.

  1. From the main menu on the start page, choose System under Setup.
  2. Under Security, click Roles Administration.
  3. Click User Access, and then enable the necessary user access.
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