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Communicate Section chats

A Section chat is tied to a specific class or course section. It enables teachers, students, or their parents to communicate about topics directly related to that class.

Section chats are controlled by direct import from PowerSchool SIS, and users cannot add or remove other users. Section chats are turned Off, by default. Section chats are typically managed by the teacher leading the class or course. Section owners should enable the section chat to ensure that conversations are visible to all participants.

Manage sections

To manage an existing section chat:

  1. To disable or enable Sections, click the settings icon next to Section.

  2. Within Section Access Control, drag the toggle bar Off to disable a section. Conversely, drag the toggle bar On to enable a section.

  3. To manage a Section, click the Section chat.

  4. Click the info icon adjacent to the title of the Section chat.

  5. To prevent users from messaging within the chat, drag This will set so only an owner of the chat can post messages to On. The default setting is Off.

  6. To prevent users from reacting to message using emojis, drag This will adjust if reactions can be added to messages of read only item to On.

  7. Click Save.

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