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Get Started with Communicate


SchoolMessenger Communicate is a comprehensive messaging and notification platform designed to streamline communication between schools and their community.

This manual will guide you through the features and functionalities available to users of SchoolMessenger Communicate, helping you create and manage effective communication with students, parents, and staff.

After logging into Communicate, click Try the NEW SchoolMessenger to navigate to the newer dashboard interface. The dashboard has several options, including creating a broadcast message, starting a chat session, and viewing recent broadcasts and chat activity. To switch to the older dashboard interface, click Back to classic mode.

Besides English, Communicate is also available in French and Spanish. To switch between languages, click the globe icon and select your preferred choice.

Create account

  1. Visit the SchoolMessenger Communicate website.

  2. Click on Sign Up.

  3. Enter your email address and school details.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.

  5. You will receive a confirmation email to verify your account.

Log in to Communicate

  1. Open the SchoolMessenger Communicate login page.

  2. Enter your username (email) and password.

  3. Click Login to access the dashboard.

Account settings

Here, you can personalize your preferences, update profile information, and configure notifications to streamline communication.

Click the profile icon, and you will get the following options:

  • Account: Opens the profile information.

  • Address book: Redirects you to the address book and contacts.

  • Help: Opens the user documentation.

  • Logout

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