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Materials and Playlists

You can access ContentNav from your course in Schoology to add curated content either of your own creation or created by an approved third-party provider. You can search for and add individual materials, or playlists of materials. Students can then access these materials and playlists from your course within their Schoology accounts.

Search for Materials or Playlists

Materials are individual questions, lessons, or activities that can be added to a course, folder, or assignment.

Playlists are a grouping or a series of materials played in a specific order.

Materials and Playlists can be added to a course, a folder, or even an individual assignment.

To search for and add a Materials or a Playlist to your course or folder:

  1. From your course in Schoology, click Add Materials, and select ContentNav from the drop-down.

  2. Use the Search bar to find materials by typing in a Title, Description, or keyword.

  3. Filter through materials by selecting options from the following search criteria:

    1. Curriculum

    2. Subject

    3. Framework

    4. Level

    5. Domain

    6. Topic

    7. Standard

    8. Content Sources

    9. Content Types

    10. Educational Use

    11. Audiences

    12. Publishers

    13. Products

    14. Curriculum

    15. Grades

  4. The results from your search criteria will update and display as you adjust your selections.

  5. Move the pointer over each material to review its description, or click Preview to access the material as it would display to the student.

Add a Material or Playlist to a Course or Folder

After you have searched for and found the material(s) or playlist(s )you would like to add to your course, from the ContentNav Search Results:

  1. Select the checkbox on each material that you would like to add to your course.

  2. Click Add.

  3. You will be directed back to your course or folder, and your selected material(s) or playlist(s) will have been added.

Add a Material or Playlist to an Assignment, Discussion or Page

Materials and Playlists can be added to individual assignments, discussions, or pages from the Add Materials drop-down within a course.

  1. From your course or folder, select one of the following from the Add Materials drop-down menu.

    1. Add Assignment

    2. Add Discussion

    3. Add Page

  2. Enter a name for your assignment, and select the Insert Content icon within the toolbar of the Description field.

  3. Select ContentNav from the drop-down.

  4. Search for materials and playlists within the Add Materials pane.

  5. Select the checkbox on each material that you would like to add to your course.

  6. Click Add.

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