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Academic terms

Use academic terms to designate a span of instructional time for your institution or school, such as the school year, semesters, quarters, or any other term that you define. Academic terms can overlap.

Create an academic term

  1. From the Admin menu, select Organization Settings.

  2. Go to the Academic Terms tab.

  3. Click Create New Academic Term.

  4. On the Create New Academic Term dialog, enter a Title for the term.

  5. Select the term’s date range.

  6. Select the Teaching Days and click Next.
    If the academic term is assigned to a curriculum map, Teaching Days are used to calculate a unit's start and end dates based on the number of days assigned to the unit.

  7. On the Add Off-Days and Important Dates dialog:

    1. Optionally, select a country to Add National Holidays as Off-Days.

    2. Optionally, select an academic term to Copy Off-Days or Important Dates from, and choose the type of dates you want to copy.

    3. Click Create.

After you create your academic term, you can add or edit off-days and important dates.

If you use curriculum maps, assign academic terms to your maps to enable assigning dates to units in the pacing guide.

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