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Configure Enterprise SSO

Configure a single sign-on (SSO) connection for PowerSchool SIS, Google, or Microsoft as an identity provider.​ You must have the Rostering Sync Manager role to configure and manage SSO.

Add SSO connection

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Organization Settings.

  2. Go to the Single Sign-On tab and select Edit Configuration.

  3. Select your Provider.

    1. PowerSchool SIS

      1. Select Download Plugin. Make a note of where you save the plugin. You will need this information when you install the plugin in PowerSchool SIS.

      2. Follow the instructions to install and enable the plugin in PowerSchool SIS.
        The plugin must be enabled in PowerSchool SIS before validating.

      3. Select Validate Plugin to validate the SSO credentials.
        Alternatively, enter your credentials manually.

      4. Select Link PowerSchool SIS.

    2. Google or Microsoft

      1. Optionally, enter the Preferred Domain.
        PowerSchool recommends using a preferred domain only if your organization has one domain. The preferred domain will be selected automatically for users who are signed in to multiple Google or Microsoft accounts at one time, for example, a personal and an organizational account. This does not prevent accounts using a different domain from signing in.

      2. Select Link Google or Link Microsoft 365.

  4. Select Save Configuration.

  5. On the confirmation dialog, enter the number of users that will be impacted by the change, then select Save.
    The number of users is noted in the confirmation message.

Remove SSO connection

To remove an SSO connection, select Clear Configuration.

Clearing the configuration removes the SSO connection for all users.

PowerSchool SIS

  • Clearing the configuration will unlink PowerSchool SIS from all Curriculum & Instruction accounts in the organization. Users will be required to use an alternative authentication method to access their accounts.

Google / Microsoft

  • Clearing the configuration will not impact existing account links with Google or Microsoft. Users will be able to sign in with their preferred authentication method.

Next steps


  • Request to have Curriculum & Instruction added to AppSwitcher through PowerSchool Community. Your PowerSchool applications must all use the same SSO provider.

  • Configure SIS data integration to sync your schools and users from PowerSchool SIS or Schoology.

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