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Add users and manage roles

As an administrator, you can invite teachers and add new accounts to your school or institution. You can only add accounts up to your subscription's user limit. Use the Admin page to add or manage accounts with the proper roles, set up Schools and Groups, and set the default roles for members of your institution.

Add users

You can only add multiple users with the same role. If you need to add accounts with different roles, you must do so in separate actions.

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Organization Settings.

  2. To add users to the organization:

    1. Navigate to the Users tab, and click Add Users.

  3. To add users to a school or group:

    1. Navigate to the Schools or Groups tab. To add users to a school-specific Group, navigate to that school and then click on the Groups tab for the school.

    2. Select the school or groups you want to add users to and click Add Users.
      Only institution and school admins can add users to Schools and Groups.

  4. On the Add Users page, enter the emails for the accounts you want to add, with each email on a separate line.

  5. Select if you want to Send Welcome Emails to New Users. You can resend invitation emails at any time.

  6. Click Add to add accounts with the default roles. Alternatively, if you want to assign different roles for these accounts, choose Assign New Roles.

    1. On the Assign Role page, select the roles you want to assign to all the accounts being added. If you add users to a school or group, you will see information regarding roles for the specific school or group.

    2. Click Save to apply these changes, then click Add.

If you select to send welcome emails, new staff members will receive an email with instructions on how to access their accounts.

After a user has been added to your institution, you can click the Expand icon for the user to manually edit the roles for the account, add the account to a school or group, or view the account if you have the Lesson Reviewer role.

You can also select multiple accounts and perform the following bulk actions:

  • Assign roles

  • Add to a school or group

  • Resend welcome emails

  • Deactivate accounts

  • Remove accounts

Account roles

Assigning roles within a school or district can ensure that users can access the appropriate features for their roles. As an Admin, you can assign roles when bulk-adding accounts or by managing roles through your Admin Users panel.

  • Admin: This role will enable Admin for these accounts, allowing users to see and access Admin for the institution from the Dashboard and the main navigation menu. A user with the Admin role can add and remove accounts for the institution, manage roles for existing accounts, create Schools and Groups, and manage off-days. An Admin will also have access to all of the roles included with the Curriculum Publisher role.

  • Curriculum Publisher: This role gives the ability to edit map content, create new maps and drafts, and has the ability to publish, archive, and restore archived maps. This role is recommended for administrators or subject area experts involved in the review and publishing process.

  • Curriculum Creator: This role has the ability to edit map content and create new maps and drafts but does not have the ability to publish, archive, or restore archived maps. This role is recommended for subject area experts and teachers actively involved in the curriculum development process.

  • Curriculum Viewer: This role can only view content in published curriculum maps. It does not allow users to create/edit maps or enter drafts. This role is recommended for teachers who are not actively involved in curriculum development but will access and utilize the curriculum content.

  • Lesson Reviewer: This role is available if your subscription includes the Instruction solution and will allow admins to leave feedback, monitor lesson activity, and view teacher accounts.

  • PowerBuddy AI Creator: This role is available if your subscription includes the full Curriculum & Instruction solution. Before assigning this role, PowerBuddy must be turned on from the PowerBuddy Settings page in Organization Settings. Assigning this role enables users to generate lesson plans or curriculum map content using PowerBuddy AI.

If your institution uses Schools or Groups, you may have the option to add roles specific to that School or Group.

A user with an Admin role for a School or Group will only have those roles within that particular School or Group and cannot manage or view accounts for the entire institution.

Set the default role

The default role for Curriculum determines the base level of curriculum access that applies to all users within the institution and can also be set for particular Schools or Groups. You can still manually edit roles for specific accounts to levels of access above or below the default role, but setting the default role can save time when adding accounts.

The default role for Instruction determines the role that applies to all users within the institution and can also be set for particular Schools or Groups. You can still manually edit roles for specific accounts to levels of access above or below the default role, but setting the default role can save time when adding accounts.

  1. Choose Edit for the institution.

    • To edit the default role for a specific School or Group, navigate to the School or Group you want to edit and choose Edit.

  2. In the Set Default Role dialog, select the default role that will apply to the institution, school, or group.

  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Set user roles

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Organization Settings.

  2. Navigate to the Users tab.

  3. Edit roles for individual users or multiple users.

    1. Edit roles for an individual account:

      1. Click the Expand icon for the user account you want to edit.

      2. On the Assign Role dialog, you will see the details of the roles assigned to this account and can add the account to a School or Group. Select the roles to edit them for this particular account at the institution level or within any Schools or Groups they are a part of. Changes take effect instantly.

    2. Edit roles for multiple accounts:

      1. Select the user accounts you want to assign roles to.

      2. Click the Assign Role button.

      3. On the Assign Role dialog, select the roles to apply in bulk to the selected accounts.

      4. Click Save to apply the roles to the selected accounts.

You can set roles for multiple users only when giving the users more access than they currently have. For example, you can change multiple users from a Curriculum Viewer role to a Curriculum Creator role. However, you cannot change multiple users from a Curriculum Creator to a Curriculum Viewer role. 

To assign users a role that has less access or to remove access for users, edit the individual account by choosing Expand User.

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