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Assessment Reports: Compare Assessments (AMP)


Using the Compare Assessments tool, educators can understand performance over time and across schools to assess whether district and school efforts have been effective at increasing student knowledge and understanding.

Our Average Score Comparison Report and Student Growth Comparison Report empowers AMP Administrators to compare up to four managed assessments at a time.

How do I compare Managed Assessments?

Depending on your AMP Analytics permissions, you can compare the average score on managed assessments that are distributed within your school building and instructors, or you can compare the scores across all buildings and instructors. These average scores are also compared to your district average, which is represented by a star.

To create a comparison report, navigate to Assessment Reports from the AMP drop-down menu in the header and click Compare Assessments:

Step 1 — Name Your Report

Enter a report name, select Average Score Comparison Report, and click Next.

Step 2 — Select Managed Assessments

Select the Managed Assessments you’d like to include in the report. You can select 2-4 managed assessments to compare.

You can select up to 4 managed assessments to compare.

Step 3 — Select Date Ranges

Select the date range you’d like to compare. This date range reflects when assessments were submitted. You can also drag-and-drop the order of the assessments for the comparison.

If there were no submissions to the managed assessments during the selected date range, then no data will populate in the report.

Step 4 — Confirm Your Information

To edit a previous step, click Previous. To confirm and generate your report, click Create Report.

Once you have created your report, you can select buildings and instructors to start making growth comparisons.

Select buildings and instructors to compile growth comparison charts.

  • AMP data takes 24 hours to populate. Therefore, student submissions that were scored within the last 24 hours will not factor into the report.
  • The report displays the list of instructors alphabetically by last name.
  • The comparison graph and table always displays the district average. You can add instructors and schools to the comparison and review those averages.
  • Averages respect the assessment-level setting to score based on the latest attempt or the attempt with the highest score.

How do I view Student Growth across Managed Assessments?

The Student Growth Comparison Report provides a way for Instructors and Admins with AMP access to see individual student performance on multiple managed assessments. To create a student growth report, navigate to Assessment Reports from the AMP drop-down menu in the header and click Compare Assessments:

Step 1 — Name Your Report

Enter the report name, select Student Growth Comparison Report and click Next.

Step 2 — Select Managed Assessments

Select the Managed Assessments you’d like to include in the report. You can select 2-4 managed assessments to compare.

Step 3 — Select Date Ranges

Select the date range you’d like to compare. This date range reflects when assessments were submitted. You can also drag-and-drop the order of the assessments for the comparison.

If there were no submissions to the managed assessments during the selected date range, then no data will populate in the report.

Step 4 — Confirm Your Information

To edit a previous step, click Previous. To confirm and generate your report, click Create Report.

Once you have created your report, you can filter by School, Section, and Instructor to start making growth comparisons.

Image of the Student Growth Report Graph with numbered points.

The report is displayed as a box and whisker plot (also called a box plot) which contains a five-number summary of the scores, as well as any outliers, for each assessment:

  1. Range of Scores - The 25th-75th percentile scores (the interquartile range or IQR).
  2. Median - The "middle" score within the full range of scores.
  3. Mode - The most common score.
  4. Maximum - The highest score that is not an outlier.
  5. Minimum - The lowest score that is not an outlier.
  6. Negative Outlier - A score that is below the 1st quartile by more than 1.5x the IQR.
  7. Positive Outlier - A score that is above the 3rd quartile by more than 1.5x the IQR.

The five-number summary represents the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum. In a box plot, a box is drawn from the first quartile to the third quartile. A vertical line goes through the box at the median. The whiskers go from each quartile to the minimum or maximum.

An outlier is a point in the graph that is significantly above or below the normal values. A box and whisker plot is determined by the range between the first and third quartiles, which are represented by the two points at the ends of the box. This value is called the interquartile range. A score is determined to be an outlier if it is 1.5 times the interquartile range above or below the first and third quartile.

For example, if the box spans from a score of 66 to 78, the interquartile range is 12 points. That means that the outliers are any value 18 points (1.5 x 12) above 78 or below 66. Therefore, any scores above 96 or below 48 are considered outliers in this example.

The calculation method for each box and whisker plot cannot be customized.

The whiskers are the lowest and highest values that are not outliers and are called the minimum and maximum.

  • AMP data takes 24 hours to populate. Therefore, student submissions that were scored within the last 24 hours will not factor into the report.
  • The report displays the list of students alphabetically by last name.
  • The calculation method for each box and whisker plot cannot be customized.
  • Averages respect the assessment-level setting to score based on the latest attempt or the attempt with the highest score.

How do I save a report?

After creating a Comparison Report, you can save the report to quickly access the data without rebuilding the report each time.

  1. Click Actions.
  2. Select Save.

Once the message to confirm your report was saved appears, you can access the saved report from Managed Assessment Reports > My Reports.

Access Saved Reports in Managed Assessment Reports.

Who can view the reports I created?

When you save a report, the report is only visible from your account. For example, Admin 1 can save a report to the My Reports area, but Admin 2 cannot see the report. Each AMP administrator must build their own reports to view in this area.

How do I search for a report I created?

You can search for saved comparison reports using the search field in the My Reports area of Managed Assessment Reports:

How do I print a report?

  1. Click My Reports.
  2. Search and/or select the report you would like to print.
  3. When the report opens, click Actions.
  4. Select Print from the drop-down menu.

    When you print a report, check your browser’s print tool settings to adjust the formatting as needed.

How do I edit a report?

After creating a report, you can edit the report name, select different managed assessments, adjust the time period, or update filters.

  1. Click Actions.
  2. Select Edit from the drop-down menu.
  3. This will take you back to Step 1: Name Your Report. Use the Next and Previous buttons to move through the steps and make your edits.
  4. When viewing the edited report, click Actions and select Save to apply the changes to your saved report.

How do I delete a report I saved?

  1. Click My Reports.
  2. Search and/or select the report you would like to delete.
  3. When the report opens, click Actions.
  4. Select Delete from the drop-down menu.
  5. If you’re sure, click Delete to confirm and delete the report.

Delete a Saved Report GIF.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit to how many schools and instructors I can compare?

A total of 15 permutations will display in the graph. For example, you can compare 15 schools or 15 instructors, or a combination, such as 5 schools and 10 instructors. To compare more than 15 schools and/or instructors, you can view the data table below the graph. The graph will not display more than this to ensure the accessibility of the visual results.

Can I export a report?

No, at this time you cannot export a report. You can print from the browser to save any of the data.

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