Assessment Reports: Exporting Student Results by Item (AMP)
After creating and distributing Managed Assessments, educators can evaluate student results with Assessment reports:
- Exporting Item-Level Results
- Item-Level Results
- Overall Results
- Mastery Results
- Auto Export Managed Assessment Reports
Each report is available for inactive/archived courses and sections in addition to ones currently in session.
What is an Item Analysis Report?
Educators can export a report analyzing their students' results, broken down by individual questions, to review student achievement by any AMP Question Type in a managed assessment. This report contains granular information that enables instructors to evaluate how students are learning and to pinpoint students who may need additional attention.
How do I export an Item Analysis Report?
To open and review reports for Schoology Managed Assessments, click AMP in your header and select Assessment Reports in the drop-down menu. This brings you to a tiled list of your assessments in alphabetical order. You can also use the Search Assessments field to search for the name of a managed assessment.
Click an assessment’s tile to open its Assessment Summary dashboard.
To review the Item Analysis, click View Item Performance.
To export data from the Item Analysis, click Export Report.
You can also export Item Analysis Reports from the Overall or Mastery results table.
Export an Item Analysis Report
Step 1 — Select the Managed Assessment and Report Type you wish to export.
By selecting Single Reports, you receive a .zip file containing four (4) CSV spreadsheets:
- The item_results_by_student.csv file contains information on student performance by questions in the assessment. There is a row for every combination of student and question from the assessment. For example, if 10 students each responded to 10 questions in an assessment, there would be 100 rows in the file; one each for every question answered by each student.
- The assessment_questions.csv file contains additional information about the questions themselves, including average score, p-value, standard deviation of score, total number of students assessed on the question, number of omits, and point biserial correlation on each question.
- The assessment_answers.csv file contains the text of all multiple choice and true/false questions and possible answers in the assessment, including the frequency/count of students response on each multiple choice answer. There is a row for every combination of multiple choice and true/false question and possible answer choice from the assessment. For example, if there are 20 total multiple choice and true/false questions, and each of them have 5 possible answers, there would be 100 rows in the file; one each for every question+answer combination.
- The assessment_student_responses.csv file contains student answers for all multiple choice and true/false questions in the assessment. If the student gave multiple responses (answered both A and C on a single question, for example), there are multiple rows for that question.
By selecting Merged Report, you receive one CSV spreadsheet with all of the columns included in the four spreadsheets listed above.
Step 2 — Select the schools within your organization from which you'd like to review results for the selected managed assessment.
Step 3 — Refine your search by selecting Sections and Instructors. This enables you to drill down and review results for specific teachers who administered the assessment in their course sections. To review results from all sections and and by all instructors, check Select All in each drop-down menu.
Step 4 — Confirm the selections you've made. Click Previous to edit your selections. Click Export Report to initiate the Item Analysis Report export.
This sends an email to the email address with which your Schoology account is associated. The email includes a link that directs you back into Schoology. From there, Schoology automatically initiates a download of the CSV report to your device. If you selected Single Reports, you'll need to unzip the file on your computer to review the multiple CSV files.
What information is included in the Item Analysis Report?
The Performance by Student and Question report includes the following fields:
- student_username: The student's username; if there is no username, this field is blank.
- student_unique_user_id: The student's Unique User ID in Schoology.
- student_first_name: The student's first name.
- student_last_name: The student's last name.
- assessment_name: Assessment title.
- assessment_major_version: The version of the assessment that this student took for the submission.
- submission_date: The date and time the student submitted the assessment: for example, 4/27/16 18:12.
- submission_id: Schoology's ID for the submission.
- course_name: Course name of section in which the student took the assessment.
- course_code: Course Code of section in which the student took the assessment.
- section_name: Name of the section in which the student took the assessment.
- section_code: Section Code of the of section in which the student took the assessment.
- section_school_code: Section School Code of the of section in which the student took the assessment.
- school_name: Building in which the assessment was taken.
- section_administrator: Name(s) of the Instructor(s) of the section above.
- section_administrator_unique_ids: Unique User ID(s) of the Instructor(s) of the section above.
- question_id: The ID used to identify the question in Schoology. This value is included in all four reports.
question_version_id: The ID used to identify the version of the question. This value is included in all four reports.
Every time a member of your AMP team edits a question in an assessment, Schoology saves the update as a new version and keeps all previous versions. As a result, one question in AMP may have multiple distinct versions. Each of these will have the same question_id, but distinct question_version_id values.
- points: The number of points the student received on the question.
- max_points: The number of points available on the question.
- attempted: One of two values will display in this field:
- TRUE–The student answered the question in the assessment.
- FALSE–The student did not answer (provided no response).
The Additional Assessment Question Information report includes the following fields:
- question_id: The ID used to identify the question in Schoology; this same value is included in all four reports.
- question_version_id: The ID used to identify the version of the question. This value is included in all four reports.
- question_type: Type of question (multiple choice for example).
- question_text: The text of the question, with HTML removed. Question text is truncated at 256 characters.
Math equations built using the math editor display in LaTeX format in the question_text field.
For example:
Displays as:
- learning_objectives: Titles of all aligned learning objectives; if multiple objectives are aligned to a question, they are separated by commas.
- average_score: Expressed as a ratio of the sum of student’s points and max points; rounded to two (2) digits after the decimal.
- Example value: .80
- standard_deviation: The standard deviation of points/max points expressed as a ratio and rounded to two (2) digits after the decimal.
- Example value: .13
- p-value: The ratio of students who provided the correct answer to total students who received the question in the assessment; p-value will not account for partial credit, so students must receive full credit on the question to count toward this metric.
- Example value: .75
- students_assessed: Total number of students whose submission contained the question (including omissions).
- Example value: 153
- omits: The number of students who did not attempt the question.
- Example value: 10
- rpb: The point biserial correlation coefficient of each assessment item. Items with a point biserial correlation below 0.1 should be reviewed.
Example value: -0.2
Questions with a maximum point value of zero (0) are not included in this report.
The Multiple choice and true/false answer text report includes the following fields:
- question_id: The ID used to identify the question in Schoology; this same value is included in all four reports.
- question_version_id: The ID used to identify the version of the question. This value is included in all four reports.
- response_value: One possible answer for the question.
- response_text: Any text included in the response area for the question. For true/false questions, it's possible that both the value and the text are the same.
- student_response_count: Displays a count of the number of students whose response included the answer.
- If a student gives multiple answers, all count for that individual student. For example, if a student answers both A and B for a question, both display on their own rows in the report.
- For this reason, the number of of response counts on all answers can exceed the number of students who took the assessment.
The Multiple choice and true/false student answer report includes the following fields:
- submission_id: The ID used to identify the student submission in Schoology.
- question_id: The ID used to identify the version of the question. This value is included in all four reports.
- question_version_id: The student's Unique User ID in Schoology; if there is no Unique User ID, this field is blank. This value is included in all four reports.
response_value: The student's selected answer for the question.
The Merged Item Analysis Report contains the data from all four CSV files.