Availability Windows for Managed Assessments (AMP)
Assessment Team members have the ability to set availability windows and daily submission windows when creating Managed Assessments. This allows administrators to control when students can attempt and submit managed assessments with minimum impact on day-to-day teaching.
Availability Window
To enable an Availability Window:
- Click AMP in the header at the top of Schoology
- Select Assessment Teams from the drop-down menu.
- Navigate to your team.
- Select the assessment you would like to add an availability window.
- Click Settings in the top right.
- Click Yes next to Availability Window.
- In the Start Date field, select the date and time you want to open the managed assessment for submissions.
- In the End Date field, select the date and time you want to close the managed assessment for submissions.
- Click Confirm to complete.
Once a start and end date are confirmed, student submissions for the managed assessment will only be accepted during that window.
Availability Window is set to No by default on all new managed assessments, but can be added during assessment creation or after a managed assessment has been created.
Daily Submission Window
In addition to setting an Availability Window, Assessment Team members can set specific hours during the Availability Window dates in which submissions are accepted. For example, if the Availability Window is over a two week period, but you want submissions to occur during school hours only, you can configure a Daily Submission Window within the larger Availability Window.
To enable a Daily Submission Window:
- Once Availability Window is set to Yes, the Daily Submission Window option is displayed. Click Yes next to Daily Submission Window to configure the start and end time.
Enter a Start Time and End Time.
The timezone is the same as your organization's timezone as set in System Settings.
- Click Confirm to complete.
Once the Daily Submission Window is set, student submissions for the managed assessment will only be accepted during the Daily Submission Window within the Availability Window.
Daily Submission Window is set to No by default on all new managed assessments, but can be added when you configure an Availability Window during assessment creation or after a managed assessment has been created.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do Availability Windows affect Instructors in courses?
Instructors will continue to see Managed Assessments as soon as they are distributed to their courses. Availability Windows do not affect Instructor’s ability to see Managed Assessments.
Instructors can still configure some settings for Managed Assessments, such as published/unpublished status, password, and grading category.
In the Course Materials page, Instructors will see a description under Managed Assessments that have an Availability Window and/or a Daily Submission window that indicates when student submissions are accepted.
Can Instructors submit attempts on students' behalf outside of Availability Windows?
Yes, Instructors may still begin and submit Instructor Attempts on behalf of students outside of the availability window. See our article on Observational Grading to learn more about submitting an assessment on behalf of a student.
What happens if a student attempt is started prior to the Availability Window closing without being submitted?
If a student is working on an attempt when the availability window closes, they will be able to continue with their attempt, but they will not be able to make a submission. The student will see a message that submissions are no longer accepted. The attempt will be marked In Progress. Instructors can submit this attempt on behalf of the student.
What do students see when they open the assessment outside of the Daily Submission Window?
If students navigate to the assessment during the Availability Window but outside the Daily Submission Window, then students will not be able to make a submission.
For example, if the Availability Window is set from September 2, 2019 at 09:00 am to September 5, 2019 at 09:00 am and the Daily Submission time is set from 02:00 pm - 03:00 pm, students will not be able to submit from 09:00 am-02:00 pm each day within the window since these times fall outside of the start and end time.
When students attempt to access the assessment, the following message is displayed: This activity is not currently accepting submissions.
What is the difference between Availability Window, Daily Submission Window, and Due Date?
An Availability Window is the date range within which the managed assessment is available for students. A Daily Submission Window is the time range during the Availability Window that student submissions are accepted. For example, a managed assessment may be available to students from Monday to Friday but the submissions are only accepted between 3-4pm daily. Due date is the date submissions are due and it is set by the instructor at the course level. Instructors may still set a due date when an Availability Window and/or Daily Submission Window has been set.
What happens if the instructor publishes a managed assessment in their course that is outside the Availability Window?
Submissions will not be accepted if the managed assessment is published outside of the Availability Window. When students attempt to access the assessment, they cannot access the content and the following message is displayed: This activity is not currently accepting submissions.
What happens if an instructor unpublishes a managed assessment in their course that is inside the Availability Window?
Students do not see the managed assessment on the course materials page if it is unpublished. Unpublishing a managed assessment overrides any Availability Window settings.
Can an instructor override the Availability Window and Daily Submission Window in the course?
No. Instructors can edit the managed assessment by clicking the gear icon next to the assessment in a course. However, the Submissions setting at this level is overridden by the Availability Window and Daily Submission Window that is configured in AMP by the Assessment Team.